Chapter 14: We Bought a Car

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Toby was up first on a Saturday morning, and even thought he wanted Happy and him to go car shopping today while they have time off, he let Happy sleep. She hadn't been sleeping much lately, the baby was constantly moving and kicking, keeping her up. So, instead of of waking her up, he made breakfast for her for when she woke up.

He went into the kitchen and got out pancake mix, knowing she had been craving them lately. He grabbed a bowl and poured the pancake mix in. Toby mixed all the ingredients together in the bowl and pulled a pan out from under the stove to cook the pancakes on. He cooked the pancakes, along with eggs, and sausages. He heard her getting up, so he quickly set the table for her.

"Morning sweetheart", he said when she walked out of the bedroom.

"Morning", she grumbled walking over to the table.

"I made you breakfast", Toby said pulling the chair out for her. Before he could say anything else, Happy got up running to the bathroom.

"Hap?", Toby said following shortly behind her.

"I'm good", she said, "but the pancakes have got to go".

"But you love pancakes, you said you were craving them".

"I do and was, but apparently the baby doesn't want them anymore. Sorry Doc", Happy said as she turned around to face him.

"It's okay sweetheart, you calm down, and I'll get rid of the pancakes", Toby said kissing her forehead before leaving the bathroom.

"Thank you".

Toby got rid of the pancakes and cleared Happy to come out.

"I'm getting sick or being pregnant", Happy said sitting down at the table, "last week it was-".

"My cologne...", Toby said finishing for her, "Still sorry".

"Not your fault. You always wear it, I like it, the baby doesn't".

"True", he said winking before walking in the kitchen, "Once you're don't eating, we get to go, wait for it, car shopping!".

She groaned.

"I know, I know, but like you said, you want to get all this done before the baby comes".

"I know what I said, but that doesn't mean I want to spend my only day off car shopping".

She got up to go change and he followed.

"At least if it's done, we can do all the fun stuff, like paint the nursery, and get her room all set up next week", he said laying down on his back. (hint for next chapter😜)

"Yea, I just want to get all the boring crap done like buying a car", Happy said pulling her jacket on sighing, "I think it's time I have to get maternity clothes, shit, I don't want maternity clothes".

"It just means that our baby girl is growing", he said standing up to kiss her.

"It would be better if I didn't have to buy all new clothes".

"At least Paige can help you, now come on let's go buy a car!", he said running out of the apartment far too excited.

"Toby, money", Happy said holding up the money.

"You've got it!", he yelled.

Arriving at the car place Toby stopped them before they went inside.

"Let me talk in there", he said.


"Because I want to get the best deal", he said as they walked inside, "and I can manipulate".

"I can manipulate too you know?", she said.

"Yeah I know, trust me, you're are pregnant are you", he said winking and she punched him in the arm, "ouch, but you're just gonna get mad and we need to act like we know what we're doing", he whispered before they walked in.

They scanned the rows of cars, looking for one that they liked, met their standards, and had a highly rated safety standard.

"Hap, what about his one?", Toby asked coming to look at a shiny black car.

"I like the model, but not the color. I want a gray car", she said walking around the car.

"Okay so this model, but in gray?", he asked and she nodded looking at the interior inside.

"Let's go buy a car", he said kissing her cheek before they walked to find someone. They found a man at the desk and told him they were interested in a car.

After talking for about an hour, they finally settled on a price that was in their budget.

(let's just say I don't know how buying a car works so please just go with it)

"We just bought a car!", Toby yelled running out with the keys, but before he could get to the new car, Happy grabbed the keys out of his hands.

"Hey!", he yelled going after her.

"I get to drive the new car home!", Happy yelled and quickly made her way over to their new car, sitting down in the drivers seat and shutting the door. Toby came over resting his arms on the window ledge.

"You get to drive the truck", she said passing him the keys.

"Fine, but i get to drive it to work tomorrow", he said leaning to kiss her before walking over to the truck.

"Maybe!", she yelled back before starting the car. She started driving back to the apartment and so did Toby.

They walked in and sat down on the couch.

"I'm tired", Happy said leaning against Toby and pulling her feet onto the couch next to her.

"You can take a nap sweetie, I'll wake you up in a bit for dinner", she said kissing her head.

"Okay, what are we having?", Happy said standing up.

"Uh, I'm not sure, but I'll think of something. Go nap sweetheart".

"Okay". She went into their bedroom and laid down.

"Okay", Toby said to himself, "What to make, what to make".

"Ah ha", he said, "Hopefully this won't make the baby upset".

He pulled out soup to make, a simply rice and chicken broth soup. Happy wasn't feeling the best today because of the baby, so he figured that the soup might help as long as it doesn't bother the baby. Pulling out a pot, he boiled the rice and poured in the broth once it was done cooking.

Happy came out of the room after about an hour.

"Hi", she said groggily rubbing her eyes.

"Hi sweetheart, I made soup if you're hungry".

"Thank you". She sat down and ate her soup that Toby had made her.

"You're welcome", he said kissing the top of her head, "I'll be watching TV".

She finished her soup, joining Toby on the couch.

"Toby, she's kicking", Happy said resting her hand on here lower abdomen which was followed by Toby placing his hand there as well.

"I can't wait for her to be here", Toby said.

"Me either".

Sorry that these updates take forever but I always have writers block and some days I don't feel like writing but I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Also sorry for how short this chapter was...

Also I wanted to give you guys an update on when I'll be updating. It's probably gonna happen once a month unless I'm feeling motivated and there's a surprise update. I am currently working on a lot of pieces. Sorry bout that!

But please vote!



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