Chapter 10: Family

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Happy: 16 Weeks

The past few weeks Happy has always been the first one awake, she wakes up hours before they have to go to work, and she's always up for Walter's "emergency come in ASAP" calls. If Happy's not trying to get comfortable in bed or comfortable sitting on the couch, then she's probably in the bathroom. This damn pregnancy is taking a lot out of her and she's not even halfway yet.

"Toby", Happy called from the couch where she had been sitting, already dressed because you know she was up, and she wasn't going back to bed so she got ready. They had to leave in a half hour for work and the damn shrink wasn't even up yet.

"Doc", she called out again, dragging his name out long trying desperately to wake him up.

"Dammit", she whispered pushing herself up because the baby was already wrecking havoc on her back.

Walking into their room, Toby was still sound asleep.

"Doc", she said shaking his shoulder gently, but that didn't wake him up. Shaking his shoulder few more times and calling his name trying to get him up and ready for work in 15 minutes.

"Walter's gonna be pissed", she said sitting down on her side of the bed. Smirking to herself when she had a "fun" idea, she knew she would be laughing but Toby wouldn't, but it would get him awake.

"Toby!", she said trying to sound panicked, "My water broke!", and just like that he shot up and looked at her.

"Happy we need to go to the hospital", he said getting quickly out of bed.

"Really doc?", she said standing up,"I'm only four months pregnant".

"Dammit Hap, you scared the hell out of me", Toby said going to get dressed.

"At least you're getting ready, I've been trying to get you up for at least ten minutes", she said walking into the kitchen.

"By the way", she yelled from the kitchen, "you have five minutes before we have to leave".

"Great", he said quickly getting dressed and by the time he was ready Happy already had her jacket on and was walking out the door. He ran over and grabbed his coat following her out. They drove to the garage pulling in only a few minutes late, which was unusually for them. Usually they were at least ten minutes late but this time...

"Wow", Sylvester said after they walked in, "only three minutes and fourteen seconds late today. New record".

"Thanks buddy", Toby said walking over to sit at his desk.

"Hey Walt", Happy called across the room, "did Cabe say there was any cases today?".

"I'm not-", he began but was cut off by Cabe.

"No case today", Cabe said walking in with his coffee mug and smiling looking over at them, "go to your appointment kids".

"How did you know I was gonna ask that?, Happy said confused.

"I just know", he said smiling and glancing at Toby's desk. Looking over she didn't know what he as getting at, Toby was sitting at his desk reading one of his medical journals.

"Toby", she said waking up to his desk, "How does Cabe know we have an appointment today?"

"I uh might have", he began scratching the back of his neck.

"What did you do Doc?".

"I uh might have started a group message with our friends so they know when we're not gonna be here", Toby said in one quick breath like ripping a bandage off.

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