Chapter 3: Their Secret

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Happy woke up in the morning hearing her phone buzzing on the nightstand. She tried to reach for it but felt someone hold her back. It was Toby, arms wrapped around her, one hand laying protectively on her abdomen. Happy couldn't help but smile as she reached out and grabbed her phone.


"Walt? What is it?"

"Okay we will be there in twenty minutes"

"Bye", she said hanging up the phone. Sitting up she looked over at Toby who was now awake and smiling.

"What?", she asked seeming confused as they were just woken up at five in the morning.

"I love you", he said sitting up slowly to be level with her.

"Love you too, now get dressed, we have twenty minutes", she said with a quick kiss and she stood up to go shower. Toby had gotten up to get dressed and ready, and walked into the kitchen. Happy was out ten minutes later looking perfect and ready as always.

"Hey Doc?", she asked.


"Can we wait to tell everyone, just until we at least go to the doctors?"

"Of course", he said with a smile on his face and he opened the door and they were off to work.

The seven minute ride to the garage was silent amongst the radio blaring whatever pop music Toby had put on despite having Happy tell him that any rock was better than that.

As they arrived at the garage and they both got out Toby still with his goofy smile on his face that Happy loved though she would never tell him. Before they entered the garage Happy grabbed his wrist pulling him back.

"Remember", she whispered, "No telling". Pulling him into a kiss before letting his wrist go as they walked inside to work. They both went to their separate workspaces not saying another word.

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