Chapter 4: First Doctor Visit

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Happy: Eight weeks
"Hap! Come on we have to go sweetie!", Toby called from the door.

"I'm coming! Calm down Doc, we won't be late", she assured him walking to the door grabbing her leather jacket from the couch.

"Did you call Walt and tell him we won't be there?", Toby asked.

"Yeah, I said you had a conference yesterday and I was picking you up from the airport this morning, and we would be at work by three",she replied as they walked out the door and got in the car. Happy was driving as normal and Toby was sitting in the passenger seat leaning forward to change the station, when Happy's hand shot forward to smack it away.

"Hey! What gives Hap?!", he said pulling his hand away quickly.

"You got to pick the music yesterday, it's my day", she replied.

They pulled into the parking lot as Happy parked the car and they got out. They walked inside sitting down in the waiting area. Before Happy could even grab a magazine,

"Curtis!", a doctor called from the doorway, urging Happy and Toby to come through.

As they were walking to their room, Happy leaned over to Toby and whispered,

"Did you pull a Harvard card?", she asked glaring at him, he didn't reply but shot her a look that Happy immediately knew meant yes.

Happy laid down in the table and the doctor started talking.

"I'm Dr. Drake, you must be Happy!", he said rather cheerful and he walked closer to shake Happy's hand.

"And Toby, oh it's been so long!", he said moving into a hug with Toby.
The doctor continued talking, telling them that everything looked perfect,  then I continued to ask questions about their family history and medical illnesses.

"Well, my mother died. She died giving birth to me", Happy said when asked about her family not knowing what else to say in the moment.

"Do you know what caused the unfortunate cause of events?", Dr. Drake asked.

"No, but my dad might know", she replied with because if anyone knew, it would be him.

The doctor continued to talk to Toby about his family's medical history, for at least ten minutes as Happy just sat their nervously playing with the rings on her finger. She imagined what her hand would look like with an engagement ring on it, but they decided that it would be better to wait until after the baby is born. Toby and Dr. Drake finished talking and Dr. Drake stood up and walked across the room to a machine.

"Would you like to hear the baby's heartbeat?", he asked.

"Yes please", they both said in unison. Happy pulled up her shirt revealing her still very flat stomach, but Toby did see a small bump which made him smile. Dr. Drake put the ultrasound goop on her stomach and moved the wand around to locate the baby.

When he finally found the heartbeat, the room was filled with a steady pattern which made both Toby and Happy smile.

"That's out baby, Hap", Toby said using the same small voice he had used before.

"Yeah", Happy replied not knowing what else to say. Dr. Drake left the room after giving them a small sonogram photo of their baby. Happy and Toby got in the car and drove to the garage to go to work.
"Hey guys", Walter called from his desk.

"Hey", they said in unison.

"Toby, how was the conference?", Sylvester asked.

"It was...uh...good", he said pausing briefly between words. Paige, who was leaning against the table hearing the whole conversation didn't seem fooled with his answer. She got up and walked over to Toby who was sitting at his desk reading a medical journal.

"Where were you guys really?", she asked now leaning against his desk with her arms crossed.

"I told you, Happy was picking me up from the airport from my conference", he said. For a shrink, someone who was skilled at reading people, he wasn't very good at lying.

"M'Kay", Paige replied getting up to go over to Cabe telling him that she thought something was up.

"Sounds peculiar", Cabe said siping his coffee, "It's probably nothing kid, I mean you know those two, thinking we don't know what they do...", he cut off not wanting to continue his sentence.
They worked for a couple hours until around eight when Walter stood up announcing everyone could go home now and he would see them tomorrow morning at six. Everyone yelled bye, making their way out of the garage and into their cars as they drove home.

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