Chapter 11: The Great Barrier Reef(Part 1)

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Happy: 18 Weeks


"Happy you're not going on this case", Toby said sternly, "I don't need anything happening to you or the baby". She groaned.

"Doc, come on", she whined, "I'm only eighteen weeks, I-".

"Only eighteen weeks?!", he yelled, "We're not even halfway there yet".

"We?! I don't see you growing a baby!", she said waving her hands around like mad.

"Okay kids, calm down", Cabe said trying to calm their argument down, they were in front of everyone and didn't even realize. It didn't look like his comment was going to settle anything down so Paige came over grabbing both of them and pulling them up to the roof so they were away from everything.

"What gives Dineen?", Happy yelled yanking her arm loose from Paige's hold.

"You two are letting your personal lives slow down this case, and we can't-.

"Whoa, when did you put the Walter pants on? This sounds like his 'no fraternizing' at work thing?", Toby questioned.

"Well were much past fraternizing ", she said motioning to Happy who crossed her arms over her bump, "And trust me I'm not being Walter here, but you two were so busy fighting that it didn't even occur to you that we were all there, including Ralph and Agent Cooper".

"I just don't want her getting hurt, and I don't want her going on this case", Toby said looking at Happy who was looking right back at him.

"Cooper didn't even tell us about the case yet", Happy said turning to Toby, "Maybe it's not dangerous?".

"We can see what Cooper says about it, but if it's any bit dangerous, you're not going", Toby said.

"But-", Happy started but Toby cut her off and Paige started walking downstairs.

"Why do you have to be so protective?", Happy said as she slowly started following Paige down the stairs. Toby followed putting his arm around her waist and pulling her back for a minute.

"Because I love you", he said and kissed her, "And I love our baby", he kissed her again, "and you're not coming on the case", he kissed her one last time before going to walk down the stairs.

"Toby", she whined following him down the stairs.

"Okay now that everyone seems to be settled?", Cabe said glancing at Happy who had her arms crossed, and Toby who was smiling like an idiot, "Agent Cooper go ahead".

"Thank you Agent Gallo", she said, "As most of you may know, the Great Barrier Reef located in Australia, is home to a large variety of fish and corals. Well recently, a diver study showed that around the world, about 12% of the worlds reefs have become bleached, and some of that is including the Great Barrier Reef. Bleaching occurs when coral gets stressed-".

"What does coral get stressed about?", Paige asked confused. Under his breath Toby whispered,

"Current events", Happy heard and reached over and smacked him.

"Ow my Sternum", he said rubbing the part between his rib cage where she smacked him. Cabe just looked at them, shaking his head.

"As I was saying", Agent Cooper continued, "Bleaching occurs when coral gets stressed from warm ocean water and expels-".

"Zooxanthellae, which provides the coral with their food and their color, white. If the stress from the heat is relieved soon enough, then he coral can recover, but if not then the coral dies", Sylvester said.

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