Chapter 3

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As Lena settled into bed, she allowed silent tears to fall.

In danger again. Her brother had tried to kill her. Cadmus was out there, sometimes wrecking her events. Now someone else was trying. She was sick of it.

Her phone rang. Lena smiled at the name that appeared on the screen despite her tears.

Kara Danvers. She must have heard about the explosion.

Lena cleared her throat as she answered the phone. "Kara?"

"Oh! Lena! Are you okay?" Kara sounded genuinely worried for her. Lena felt warmth spread across her chest at the thought.

"Yes, Kara. I'm assuming you heard?" Lena's voice warmed. It was good to hear a kind voice.

"I-, I know it's late but I just had to be sure you're okay." She heard Kara admit.

"I'm fine Kara, Supergirl got there in time." Lena wondered how the Super had gotten there so quickly, how she had known she would be in danger.

"That's not what I mean, Lena." Kara's voice was small, hesitant. The warmth blossomed into a full fire.

"I-, Kara-," Lena squeezed her eyes shut. The truth was, she was scared.

A buzzing sounded at her intercom, Lena frowned. She left her room to check the small screen that would show her who was at her penthouse door.

She laughed into the phone as she saw Kara's familiar face at the door.

"Is this okay?" Kara had been there once before, Lena had brought her by as she stopped in to grab something for another gala she had hooked Kara into going as her plus one to.

Lena fell into Kara's open arms. They were surprisingly strong. She breathed in the reporter. Kara always smelled light, clean. Lena hated that she knew that, that she cherished it, but there was something about Kara Danvers that made her feel safe.

Kara gripped her one-armed. There was a bag in one of her hands.

"What's this?" Lena wondered as she pulled away.

"Well, I, when I'm having a hard day, I have ice cream. I thought maybe you could use some." Kara's small smile was so endearing, Lena gave her a dazzling one in return.

"You know, maybe a little might not hurt." Lena pulled the bag from Kara.

The tub laid empty on her coffee table. Lena was laughing as Kara told her a funny story about catching Winn in the supply closet at Catco with a girl named Siobhan.

"So you mean you've never spent quality time with anyone in the supply closet?" Lena's voice had turned borderline flirtatious. She was pushing it, but there were things she was wanting to learn about Kara. Things that were no longer innocent.

Kara's face colored.

"I-, I don't. Well, no." Kara looked away, embarrassed.

Lena reached out, she gripped Kara's wrist. The gesture felt familiar somehow. Lena frowned but shook it off.

"Kara, it's okay." Lena reassured the girl.

Kara licked her lips. Was she gazing at Lena's?

"Lena, I-," Kara began, she was interrupted by her phone. Kara sighed.

"I have to take this." Kara excused herself. Lena nodded, she watched Kara move toward the bathroom.

Lena had not been imagining it. Kara had been staring at her lips. Kara had been licking her own. Kara had been about to say something.

Kara probably did feel the same. Lena didn't know what to do with that information. Before, yes, she would have just taken what she wanted, but now with so few friends, she was hesitant.

She also didn't know who to trust. She knew she trusted Kara, but she didn't trust someone else to use Kara against her.

"I have to leave." Kara's face was apologetic, as it usually got when she got these calls.

"Alex?" Lena was used to it by now. Having an F.B.I. agent for a sister sounded hard.

"Yeah." Kara gathered her things. Lena waved a hand at Kara as Kara went to pick up the empty tub of ice cream.

"Go, your sister needs you." Lena didn't know why, but suddenly a coolness filled her heart. She didn't look up, she couldn't watch Kara go.

Strong arms were pulling her from her seat on the couch.

"I'm always here for you, Lena." Kara whispered into her ear. Lena tremored at the feel of Kara's breath against her neck. Kara squeezed her.

Lena watched her leave, heart heavy.

Yeah, she was falling for Kara Danvers.

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