Chapter 18

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Lena gazed down at the form in the cell before her.

She was concentrating on taking deep, calming breaths as she tried not to break her cover.

Her mother had Kara.

Supergirl lay knocked out, cold in the cell before her.

"She made quite the entrance, didn't she?" Her mother remarked in that smug tone of hers.

Lena tried not to flinch at the smooth coldness of her mother's voice.

"She did." She agreed.

Lena had been working with her mother on her project in the floor above when Supergirl had come flying through this one.

She looked less like Supergirl, and more like Kara Danvers laid out like she was. The bruising on her temple made Lena long to reach out to her, to soothe the pain she would feel. She couldn't though. Not when she was trying to keep up pretenses.

"Just when we need more." She heard her mother say, with approval.

Lena knew what she meant. Her mother was talking about Kara's blood. Lena knew now about the experiments to create a superhuman. Someone like Superman or Supergirl with their abilities.

Her mother had come closer and closer each time.

Lena excused herself to the lab. Little did her mother know, Lena was running a bit of interference of her own within the lab, making tiny alterations to her mother's work, tweaks that would eventually render each subject powerless after a burst of showcasing powers similar to Kara's and Superman's.

She had only witnessed them injecting someone once. Lena couldn't bear it after that. Her mother's work was cruel madness.

As Lena worked on tweaking yet more of the chemical her mother would inject into another unwilling subject, Lena began to form a plan to get Kara and her family out of Cadmus hands.

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