Chapter 13

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Supergirl rushes into Lena Luthor's office, eyes wide and heart pumping, "Ms. Luthor, there's a bomb in the building and we need to get you out of here."

Lena sucks in a deep breath, dropping her files, "What?"

"I—I don't have time to explain, Ms. Luthor," Kara moves towards Lena, stepping right in front of her. "We have to get you out of here and fast."

"How'd a bomb even get in here?" Lena questions, already connecting the dots pointing towards her brother Lex.

"Please," Kara pleads, using her x-ray vision to attempt to find the bomb, "we need to go."

Kara drags Lena along with her to the window, ready to rush the two of them out, when Lena stops moving.

"No!" Lena exclaims, pulling her arm out of Kara's grasp. "We—I can't leave. There's someone—"

"Every on of your employees is being evacuated as we speak," Kara grabs a hold of Lena once again, tugging her close so she won't fall during their upcoming flight. "We need to go!"

"Wait—no!" Lena shouts but they're already flying out the window.

Seconds later the two land on the ground right beside where the DEO has stationed themselves.

Alex rushes towards the two of them, "Supergirl, we've got a problem. We can't find the bomb anywhe—"

Alex is cut off by a large explosion that blasts Lena's office straight to hell. Lena screams.

Now, you'd think she'd be screaming about the property damage. Or maybe about the fact that her brother tried to kill her once again. Maybe because of the inconvenience such an issue had caused her life. Except, no. She's not screaming about any of that. She's screaming about the fact that her girlfriend Kara Danvers had left her office a little before Supergirl came in and was probably still in there.

"No, no, no," Lena stutters, eyes wide. "No!"

"Len—Ms. Luthor?" Kara kneels beside Lena, putting her hands on Lena's shoulders in what was supposed to be a comforting way.

"Kara," Lena mutters and Kara freezes until Lena continues, "she was in there. She's still in there."

Out of the corner of her eye, Kara spots James walking towards them, expression holding concern and—surprisingly—jealousy. Kara ignores him in favour of attempting to reassure Lena.

"Ms. Luthor, please, I'm sure she got out in time," Kara soothes, hoping her words would be enough.

"No, no, you don't understand," Lena gasps in a breath, looking at Supergirl with a wild look in her eyes. "She was in a private section, no one would know she was there."

"Ms. Luthor, please, calm do—" Kara is abruptly cut off by Lena pushing away from her and to her feet.

"No!" Lena shouts, drawing Alex's attention who looks to be having an internal debate. "She was in there! And she's not here! S-she might be...oh my god."

This is where Kara doesn't know what to do. Her girlfriend is freaking out over her safety but she's safe. She's safe and can't outright tell her. What the hell is she supposed to do?

"She might be dead," Lena murmurs, silent tears finally escaping her eyes, "she's probably dead."

Kara stares, wide-eyed and paralyzed. The fire is being put out by the Fire Department and everyone was safely evacuated so there wasn't much for her to do except watch her girlfriend break down, it seems.

"You have to help her!" Lena shouts at Supergirl. "Y-you have to save her."

"Ms. Luthor, I'm sure she's fine," James steps in but he seems to have a steely look in his eyes.

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