Chapter 9

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"Whatever it is you want, mother, I can't help." Lena growled at her mother.

She disliked these visits from her mother. Lillian Luthor had been asking for money lately. The sums growing larger and larger. She was working on some project that Lena suspected wasn't legal.

"Lena, what I'm working on, we're nearly at a breakthrough, I just need a few more resources." Her mother's tone was chiding. It grated on Lena's nerves.

"Then why won't you give me details?" Lena turned on her mother.

She had been reviewing finances when her mother had interrupted her at her office. Her glasses still set on her nose. Her eyes were sharp over the frames.

"It's a medical breakthrough." Her mother didn't elaborate.

Lena's frown deepened.

"I can't help you mother." She repeated, crossing her arms.

A knock sounded at the door. Lena called for Kara to enter.

They had a lunch date set for the day.

Kara glanced at her mother. She was more awkward than usual.

"Umm, I didn't know you had a visitor, I can come back later?" Kara did her best to hide her apprehension. She knew who Lillian Luthor was now. As head of Cadmus, the woman was dangerous.

"She was just leaving." Lena glared at her mother.

The two women stared one another down, coldly. Lillian turned her attention to Kara with a sneer.

"Who is this?" Lillian snapped at her daughter.

"Kara is my girlfriend. If you would please, we have a lunch date, and I would like to enjoy it in peace." Lena was clearly not leaving it up for debate. She was dismissing her mother.

Lillian's jaw worked, tightening as she looked to be about to say something. She seemed to think the better of it and turned away, striding purposefully out of the door. Lena missed Kara watching Lillian with focused intent. She didn't know Kara had heard the entire conversation through the door.

Leaning back against her desk, Lena allowed an exhausted sigh to fall from her lips.

"Sometimes I wonder if being a Luthor is worth it." Lena's voice was soft, sad.

Kara stepped up and reached out, squeezing Lena's shoulders.

"I can't exactly say I completely understand what you're going through, but sometimes when I was younger I felt so-, so, different and out of place in the Danvers family bc I was adopted." Kara tried.

Lena listened. She liked that they could relate on that.

"But then I have realized, it was okay for me to be different, I carve my own path." She could hear Kara's smile.

Lena leaned into Kara, wrapping arms around her waist.

"I'm really glad you walked into my office that day with Clark Kent." Lena confessed, quietly.

Kara stroked her hair.

"I'm really glad too."

Their lunch went off smoothly. Lena told Kara a little more about her background when the Luthors adopted her and Kara, even though Lena could see it pained her, opened up about being adopted by the Danvers.

Lena was virtually Kara's own Lex without the madness and vendetta against Supers. Lena talked about how he had made her feel less lonely when their parents were so often harsh.

It felt good to be able to open up about it, and to relate somewhat about their experiences. Soon they were playing with each others hands as they spoke, leaving warmth wherever fingers brushed against skin.

"Lena?" Kara's voice was quiet.

"What are we, exactly?" Kara wanted to know.

Lena grinned.

"Well, I was hoping you'd be my girlfriend."

Kara's return smile was reply enough. They kissed happily, knowing, that just maybe, they had a chance against the world.

The next day

Kara was getting really tired of battling these Cadmus enhanced bad guys.

Really tired.

The DEO had discovered that Cadmus was planting the kryptonite around National City. After they had removed all they could find, Cadmus had upped the ante with their increasingly stronger metahumans.

This latest one could fly.

Kara had a feeling she now knew why Lillian Luthor wanted her blood.

She took a hit and crashed into the ground.

Kara glared up at the metahuman.

"Oh now that does it." She growled under her breath.

She blasted off into the air, in a straight trajectory for her enemy. The guys hadn't gotten her speed, which was a relief.

She landed a hard hit.

He went crashing to the ground and Kara landed beside him. She was fuming.

She didn't notice the sliver of green shard rock he had been hiding in his fist until it was too late.

Kara was leaning down, ready to grab him when he a sharp pain pierced her side. She gasped at the agony of it.

She glanced up as she fell to the ground, seeing that they had landed right at the steps of L-Corp.

The enhanced human stood, triumphant.

"Cadmus, sends its regards." He flew away.

Kara thoughts filled with Alex, J'onn, Clark, James, but most of all, Lena as she lay there, powerless.

She was going to die, and Lena was floors above her.

Kara squeezed her eyes shut.

She could almost hear Lena calling for Supergirl.

Cool hands touched her face. As Kara opened her eyes, she was met with a welcomed sight.

"Lena." She croaked.

"Supergirl." Lena looked worried. Kara's throat constricted. She didn't want to die without Lena knowing who she was.

Lena's eyes fell to somewhere below her ribs.

"What's this?" Lena's fingers touched the green shard. Kara gasped in pain.

"Pl-please." Kara gasped. "Pu-ll i-it."

Lena's eyes were filled with remorse. Kara closed her eyes so that she didn't have to see that look in them.

Kara shuddered and whined with desperate pain as Lena pulled the shard from her flesh. Kara could feel Lena's fingers brushing over her skin, as if almost disbelieving that she could bleed.

Lena threw the shard into a gutter.

Kara didn't realize it, but she had been pulled into Lena's lap. A crowd, the one that had dispersed as Supergirl fought yet another big bad began to form around them. They were quickly dispersed as Agent Danvers and Maggie Sawyer appeared.

"We need to get her somewhere where she can be treated properly." Kara heard Alex tell Lena.

Lena had been examining the vulnerability of Supergirl in that moment. Her heart ached at the realization. It was confusing, the worry she had, the aching relief that this hero might be okay.

Lena nodded.

Alex signaled some other agents to come forward. They helped her lift Kara onto a gurney.
Alex leaned down to whisper to Kara, "We will get you to a sunbed. Everything will be okay."

Kara slept. Her dreams filled with Lena.

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