Chapter 21

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The debrief they received at the DEO when they returned to National City was a long one. Kara, Alex, and Kal with the help of Lena were able to release the rest of the DEO's agents. There was no sign of Lillian Luthor.

They managed to capture some Cadmus scientists and guards as well as a number of their "subjects". J'onn at Kara's recommendation was going to work with Lena to determine which people subject to the experiments were among those unwilling.

Perhaps they could be rehabilitated for the better.

J'onn gave Kara a good talking to about the danger she put herself in, but in the end, Alex convinced him to let up. Kara was punishing herself enough as it was.

The bruise on Kara's face healed up quickly once she was away from Cadmus.

Kara floated outside of her balcony. She was hesitant. Lena had asked her to stay away before, but now that Lena was working with the DEO, Lena was around more often.

They exchanged brief glances. Lena would come in after returning with a team of DEO agents which included Alex, boxes of evidence and files in their arms. They would see each other, and give one another a brief smile of reassurance.

The files held information that would help the DEO track down Lillian Luthor. It would help them track down Jeremiah, who Alex discovered in a file, a picture but no name, labeled Subject J-07. He was set for "conditioning" according to the file.

"Must I invite you in?"

Kara snapped herself from her thoughts to find Lena watching her from her balcony. She looked lovely, her hair down, her face free of makeup, she wore only a silk robe.

Kara floated down, slowly.

"I wasn't sure if I should." She admitted softly.

Lena regarded her for what seemed like forever until finally her expression softened.

"I should have never told you to stay away." Lena's voice was thick with emotion.

Kara stepped forward.

"I understand why you asked me to, now." Kara sighed. "You didn't want me to be in danger."

"I didn't want to be the reason why you're in danger." Lena stepped into Kara's space.

"She's still out there, Kara."

Kara heard the slight fear in her voice.

"I know, Lena." Despite knowing that, she knew she was willing to risk the danger.

Lena bit her lip. She looked away from Kara, out into the night. She turned back to Kara.

"I wouldn't have been able to face her without you." Lena confessed.

Kara smiled at that.

"I know." Kara pulled Lena into herself. "You saved me."

They stayed that way until Lena pulled Kara into her penthouse with a quiet, "Stay with me."

Kara stayed. She would stay as long as Lena asked her to.

You Saved Me                                           Supergirl/Lena(supercorp)Where stories live. Discover now