Chapter 14

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Weeks later

Since discovering her mother's activities in the labs, Lena had been left with an ultimatum by her mother: join them or be left with nothing.

Lena wasn't too sure what her mother meant by "be left with nothing".

If she was honest with herself, her pursuit of her suspicions about her mother's secret activities had been in relation to Kara. It had not only been in order to distract herself, but also to confirm a sneaking thought, one that had been sitting at the back of her mind for a while. That her mother was every bit as involved in this mess surrounding her and Supergirl as Lex was.

Now that she knew, she didn't know her next step. Her mother was threatening her. The only way her mother could truly take everything would be to take Kara, to take Supergirl from her. L-Corp was a painful reminder of where she came from but Kara, she made it worth it.

Her mother knew about Supergirl. She knew that much from the conversation in the elevator. She didn't know if her mother knew about who Kara was.

Her mother had then allowed her limited access to the labs, she was trying to lure Lena in. Trying to get her to see that the work Cadmus was involved in was for a greater cause.

Lena could only see madness. They were experimenting on people. Their fear was allowing them to take steps beyond moral medical science.

Her mother told her those involved were volunteers, but as Lena looked into the eyes of some, she saw an emptiness. They were hollow inside. It chilled her to the bone.

Her mother also had not released the agent that had entered with Lena. Lena kept entreating her mother to do so, but she wouldn't, telling Lena, "He will give up the location of this lab and all that he knows."

Lena had to make a decision and she needed to make one soon.

Lena picked up the phone.

"Mother, I've made my decision."

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