Chapter 6

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Kara hid her face as she realized what was happening.

She knew this pain, this feeling of powerlessness. Kryptonite was nearby.

She barely heard Lena. She didn't hear Alex as she made excuses for Kara, passing it off as a severe allergic reaction. Lena's agent following her must have alerted the other Danvers sister.

Kara could hardly breathe. She fell asleep in deep pain, her mind a mixture of Lena and fear for her own safety.

It was hours before she woke up. She was in a sunbed at the DEO.

Alex watched her with concern etched on her features.

"We found it in that park you like to wander around so much." Alex sighed.

"The agents have taken geiger counters around the city, and found more shards of kryptonite around the city, someone has been planting the stuff around National city."

Kara nodded.

"It wouldn't have been discovered until you were close enough for it to affect you." Alex informed her.

Kara was tired.

"Lena?" She worried the woman had noticed her condition.

"Thinks you have a severe food allergy." Alex shrugged.

"Well now I have to come up with something." Kara worried her bottom lip.

"Nuts always work." Alex suggested.

"I'll have to call her later."

"So?" Alex raised her brows.

Kara shook her head.

"We may have almost kissed." Kara was disappointed. They were interrupted by her greatest weakness.

"Well, we will get to the bottom of who ever has a large enough cache of kryptonite to plant them around National city." Alex reassured her sister.

Kara nodded tiredly.

"A few more hours, then we will let you out." Alex handed Kara her phone.

"I answered once to let Lena know how you were doing, told her you were in the hospital, family only unfortunately." Alex shrugged.

Kara took the phone.

"Call her back."

Kara sat up. There were a number of missed calls, all Lena.

"Hello? Kara?" The sound of Lena's voice was welcome in Kara's state.


"Kara!" Lena sounded relieved. "Are you alright?"

Kara gulped down the knot in her throat.

"I am." Kara continued, "Just tired."

"Your sister said it was a severe food allergy. Kara, I could have that cooking staff's jobs." Lena's voice was fierce.

Kara squeaked. "Oh don't do that, Lena, I probably didn't check the menu for changes. You know how restaurants do that sometimes."

She could almost hear Lena's murderous thoughts over the phone.


Kara smiled.

"I'm okay." Kara assured her.

"Can I see you?" Lena wanted to know. There was a desperation to her voice. It cracked a little on the you.

Kara's heart nearly broke at the thought that she had worried Lena just as much as Lena worried her.

"When I get home, I'll give you a call? Then you can come check on me?" Kara offered up.

Four hours later, Kara was home. She lay in her bed. They had told her boss  Cat that she had had a severe allergic reaction. The DEO's medical personnel provided a doctor's note.

Kara barely registered the knock at her door. Sunbeds were reinvigorating but kryptonite took a lot out of her.

"Hey." Lena checked her over, as if to make sure she was entirely there.

Kara stepped back, she had called Lena on the way home.

"What exactly was your reaction to?" Lena wondered.

"Nuts." Kara went with Alex's suggestion.

"Hmm." Lena seemed to be thinking back on their dinner.

Kara's mind was more post-dinner.

She grabbed Lena's hand.

"Before we were interrupted, I'm pretty sure I made a request that I didn't get to fulfill." Kara distracted her.

Lena's eyes lit up.

"No you didn't."

"Does it still stand?" Kara asked.

"Yes." Lena's voice was low.

Kara stepped in. This time she was surer. She had laid in that sunbed, and the only thing she could think was, she hadn't been able to kiss Lena yet.

Lena's hands slid up to her shoulders. Kara's hands rested on her hips.

The first press of their lips was soft. Kara was unsure who it was that deepened the kiss, but a hand was playing with the hairs at the nape of her neck, Lena cupped her jaw.

Kara's hands rose to embrace Lena as a tongue slipped between her lips. She moaned at the first swipe against her own and found herself at the mercy of Lena.

It was terribly warm when they pulled back. Lena adjusted her dress, smiling at Kara. Kara laughed rather shyly.

"Slowly?" Kara was worried about going too fast. Particularly with her secrets.

"Slowly." Lena agreed.

"Our next date, I will have to ensure I avoid nuts." Kara joked.

Lena pulled her in by her collar.

"Yes you will." Lena was smiling. Kara was caught by the pretty blue-green of her eyes. She could really just stare into them for hours.

Lena kissed her again. It was a slow kiss. The touch was savoring.

They rested their heads against one another for a moment.

"I'm going to go." Lena told her softly. "If I don't, I don't think I'll be able to slow myself down."

Kara nodded. She let Lena go.

She watched as Lena turned away. There was an extra sway to her hips. Lena glanced back at Kara as if to make sure she was watching. Kara gulped.

"I'll call for that second date, Kara." Lena promised her.

Kara nursed unholy thoughts of Lena for the rest of the evening.

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