Chapter 22

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As Lena watched the sweet face beside her, sleeping so peacefully, she thought about the time that passed between them.

Her mother was still at large. They discovered Lex was working with Lillian Luthor from behind bars as they went through paperwork and seized control of all of Lillian Luthor's assets. The DEO barely trusted Lena but they trusted her enough to keep her in the loop with their investigation.

She was just glad they were willing to let her continue to know about their existence without insisting they were completely something else.

It was hard for Lena, when she found the communications between Lex and her mother that indicated her mother had been helping him in the attempts on her life. He promised her control over the company should Lena die. There was apparently some legal provisions that would allow it should both she and Lex be indisposed.

"You should sleep a little more and think a lot less." Lena heard Kara say though she kept her eyes closed.

Lena smiled down at the younger woman.

Lena leaned down to press lips against Kara's own.

"I love you, Kara Danvers." She whispered to her.

Kara smiled, she opened her eyes and Lena was happy to see the dash of green at the center of the that beautiful blue she admired so much. Kara was worth it. She was afraid, she would probably always be a little afraid, but after seeing Kara lying on that cell floor, powerless, Lena knew only one truth: She couldn't live without Kara Danvers.

She couldn't live without Supergirl.

Kara leaned up and kissed her, wrapping fingers around the back of her neck.

"I love you too, Lena."

Lena realized then, despite them being who they were, a Luthor and a Super, they could make this work.

"You saved me." Lena repeated Kara's words from a few weeks before. They started seeing one another again soon after that night as Kara floated outside of her balcony. Kara began staying over after her patrols, Lena insisting they were both safer if they were together.

It had been uneasy at first, but then Kara began wooing her in that charming manner. Lena adored how she would grow shy as she pulled Kara into bed. Kara at first had been soft, stumbling, and unsure.

But as Lena reassured her, as Lena pressed herself against Kara, she purred words that made the kryptonian blush, and pulled Kara's fingers to press between her legs. Kara grew more confident over time until she moved at the slightest of moans, a hitch of Lena's breath, learning quickly what made Lena unwind until there were times when Kara wouldn't let her reach climax until Lena was begging her for release.

They dated again, going out for coffee, ordering in, Kara surprising her with a rooftop picnic at sunset.

There were disturbances, of course. Kara would be called away, Lena would watch her fight, worry etched on her face. Her mother and Lex made moves against them, but they were weakened without access to the Luthor wealth and resources.

Kara smiled at her and Lena knew, she would never take any of it back if this was all that it led to. She pressed lips to Kara's knowing that that they had saved each other, and would continue to do so, no matter the danger they faced in the future.

The end ☺️

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