Chapter 1

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Ever since her brother's madness, Lena Luthor had very few people she felt she could trust. Even her mother wasn't among them.

She knew she shouldn't, that her brother Lex had gone mad because of a Super, but she couldn't help but trust Supergirl. There was an earnestness about her. She also lacked that self-righteousness she had noticed in Superman.

There was also a strange familiarity about the female incarnation of her brother's nemesis. Not just the family resemblance, but as if Lena almost knew her. She had to shake that thought. There was no way she did.

As she was lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear the knock at her door.

"Lena?" A blonde head of hair poked into her office and observed her curiously.

"Kara!" Lena gave her a warm smile. "Lunch already?"

Kara returned the smile just as warmly. They had been making lunch plans at least once or twice weekly. She was a welcome distraction against long hours in the office.

Kara entered her office, takeout bags in hand. Lena moved away for her desk to help Kara unload their meal at her couch and coffee table. They worked in tandem, this had become routine for them.

Kara adjusted her glasses and smiled over at her. Lena felt her chest tighten at the gesture. She knew she had been crushing on the reporter for a while now, but was afraid to act on it, afraid to lose her only friend.

Besides, she wasn't entirely sure Kara was into women. Kara spoke of a past relationship with James Olsen and Lena had noticed the way that Mike intern looked at her. Even Kara's friend Winn seemed to have a crush on her. She was a popular girl.

"Lena?" Lena must have gotten lost in thought again.

"Hmm?" She caught herself staring into Kara's eyes, wondering what they might look like without glasses.

"Pass the rice?" Kara gave her a goofy smile. Lena was quite taken with it. She had it bad.

She passed the rice, watching how Kara ate greedily.

"Where do you put it all?" She wondered not for the first time.

Kara laughed. "Workouts with my sister. She needs motivation to stay in shape."

"Right. The agent." Lena found that curious. She remembered Agent Danvers. She had also noticed the woman seemed rather familiar with Supergirl.

The windows to her office rattled. Both women jumped out of their seats.

"That sounded like-," Lena hurried to the window.

A building in the distance could be seen on fire. She saw a blur of red come from around her building, heading towards the fire.

"Looks like Supergirl is on the job." Lena turned toward away from the window toward an empty room. Strange, she thought.

Kara did have a habit of disappearing at the oddest moments, Lena realized.

She pulled out her phone, texting Kara a quick, "Where did you go?" before she turned back to the window.

The red of fire and black of smoke was dissipating quickly in the distance. Supergirl was making quick work of whatever was happening. Lena watched emergency crews hurry toward the scene, but knew Supergirl would have at least any fire out before they reached the scene of the explosion.

It was some time before Kara returned, perhaps 15 minutes. Lena kept checking her phone for return text, worried.

"Sorry. Had to call Alex when I heard the explosion and just had to make sure everything was going okay." Kara apologized. She settled down on the couch beside Lena, slightly out of breath.

"I saw Supergirl heading toward the explosion." Lena remarked. "Would your sister need to help with that?"

"The investigation, if it turns out to be suspicious, yes." Kara picked up a potsticker, her favorite. She ate greedily, almost as if she was hungrier than she had been before.

"Would your sister tell you if it was?" Lena quirked a brow at her.

Kara shook her head a little too quickly.

"F.B.I. you know...."

They finished their meal amicably, Kara sharing the latest Snapper Carr gossip. Lena couldn't help wondering why the girl didn't date. She was obviously adored by those around her.

"Kara, are you seeing anyone?" Lena knew the question was rather abrupt, but it kept nagging at her as she watched Kara. She wanted her to be happy.

Kara blushed.

"I-, well, no-," Kara stammered for a few moments. "There was James, and-and Mike keeps hinting but I'm not interested."

"Oh." Lena felt puzzled. "Is there just no one you're interested in?"

Kara's blush deepened.

"I-," Kara's phone rang. Kara sighed. She pulled her phone out.

"It's my sister, I'm afraid I have to take this." Kara gave her a deeply regretful look. She hurried to stand and exit the room.

Lena worried , bit her bottom lip. Was there a chance for the two of them after all? She wasn't sure if she wanted to know.

"Alex has an emergency, I have to go." Kara looked deeply sorry.

"It's fine Kara, we can talk later." They had exchanged numbers during one of their lunches so that they could call one another.

"I hope your sister is okay." Lena told Kara as she walked her to the door.

"I do too." Kara did have a bit of worry etched into her face. Lena longed to smooth it away.

Lena hesitated, but then she surprised both herself and Kara. She reached out and pulled the young woman into a hug.

"Be careful." Lena whispered to her.

"You more than me." Kara replied to her. Lena almost chuckled at the response. Lena would always be in infinitely more danger than Kara, as a Luthor.

She closed the door to her office with a sigh, the room felt empty and cold without Kara in it. Or maybe that was how Lena felt without her.

Another explosion, rocked L-corp. It was much closer than the one before. A blur of red flew by and Lena sighed, hoping Kara was safe in getting home.

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