Chapter 2

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Something was bothering Kara as she worked to put out the fires caused by the second explosion. The first had been at a warehouse full of office supplies.

This second was at an office building corner a little too close to L-Corp. What worried her though wasn't just the location, but there was something pinging her memory.

What remained of a burning van was crashed into the glass windows of this building. It had a burned delivery sign along its side.

Kara couldn't quite make it out, but the lettering made her realize she had seen another such van at the first building, the burned delivery sign just as hard to make out.

She realized then that these had to be the sources of the explosions. It also caused panic to well up in her as she put the last of the fires out.

A van with similar lettering had been heading towards L-Corp.

As emergency crews and her sister arrived, Kara didn't even take the time to stop and speak to them.

She had to hurry.

She raced toward L-Corp, heart thundering in her ears, oblivious to anything else. She needed to reach Lena.

It was all slower to her as she moved faster than she usually did.

She could see Lena stepping out of the elevator. The explosive Van was stopping right outside of L-Corp.

Kara realized now that the other explosions may have been distractions.

She reached Lena as Lena stepped out of the building. Before the woman could register what was happening, Kara was pulling her into her arms and lifting her away from the van. It exploded behind them as Kara carried her upward, toward the balcony just outside of her office.

As Kara set the CEO down, she realized she could feel her shaking. Lena held onto her for a moment as she gathered herself, before whirling on Supergirl.

"What was that?" Lena demanded, eyes blazing.

Kara threw her hands up. "I'm not sure but I need to make sure everything down there is okay."

She turned away to fly back down to the ground. A hand on her wrist stopped her.

Kara turned to look at Lena, surprised. Lena jerked her hand away, as if astonished by her own actions.

"I just... thank you, Supergirl." Lena's eyes betrayed her fears.

Kara gulped. Lena didn't realize how close she had come to the danger. Kara was just glad she made it in time.

Kara nodded and flew away to survey the damage done.

There were no human casualties. Kara thanked Rao for that.

There was a nearby car on fire as well as the Van, and road damage, but as Kara put the fire out, she knew that this had all been specifically targeted toward Lena Luthor.

The culprit had also been attempting to distract her. That also worried her. What if they knew?

Alex arrived after some time, along with her girlfriend Maggie.

"The same van, see what I told you, Danvers?" Maggie elbowed Alex.

Alex's jaw tightened. She glanced, worried at her sister. She suspected something about the growing friendship between Kara and Lena.

"Is-?" Alex began.

Kara nodded.

"I got here just in time. Lena was stepping out of the building. She's in her office." Kara was focusing on the van.

"Anything that x-ray vision can tell us about the explosive?" Maggie wondered.

"It was pretty basic. The explosive device had a specific purpose, a single target. If it didn't, it would probably be bigger." Kara examined the side of the van.

It was an Luthercorp supply vehicle. Kara frowned.

"When rebranding a company, wouldn't a CEO change everything, including delivery vehicles?" Kara wondered.

Alex and Maggie both frowned.

"Could be a cover." Maggie suggested.

"Could be an disgruntled employee." Alex put in.

"Or her brother." Kara sighed. She suspected why she was spending so much time with Lena lately but wasn't ready to admit. Not when it complicated her already complicated life further.
They hadn't noticed Lena joined them until she spoke up.

"I disbanded our internal delivery services shortly after taking over." Lena crossed her arms. "I found a cheaper alternative, surprisingly with an outside company, right here in National city."

"It endeared me to the locals somewhat. The drivers were offered other positions or they rejected."

"Did any seem disgruntled?" Alex was after a lead.

"Not that I know of."

"Well, Miss Luthor, you are in danger." Alex glanced at Kara. "We may need to leave an agent with you, at least until whoever is setting off these explosions is caught."

Lena shook her head.

"I won't be followed by some agent I hardly know."

Kara opened her mouth to protest.

"Or, Supergirl could at least keep a closer eye on you." Alex offered.

Kara didn't protest that. She would have been checking in on Lena anyway.

"She has a city to protect." Lena shook her head.

"It's better if we continue normally. Whoever is doing this would only try bigger, worse ways to get to me that might endanger innocent people if I try to hide or tighten security too much." Lena reminded them.

"At least let me follow you home?" Kara was concerned, worried for Lena's safety. The thought of her in danger made her chest tighten.
Surprise filled Lena's eyes before it was hidden. Lena eyed her for a moment before she replied, "If it will put you at ease, Supergirl."

Kara nodded.

Alex had been speaking into her earpiece while Kara and Lena conversed.

She marched up to Lena, as if to shake her hand, but Kara could see the tiny, pin-like device Alex handed her.

"Press the button, and we will be there." Alex was just loud enough for Lena and Kara's super-hearing to catch.

Lena pocketed the pin with a slight nod.

"Well, if Supergirl really wants to follow, I would like to go home now." Lena allowed herself to look tired for a moment before straightening.

She strode away, Kara on alertly on her tail.

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