Chapter 20

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Lena hurried to find the lab she read one Subject S-2 was located in. Lena didn't know if it was Superman or Supergirl. She had been going through samples her mother wanted her to work with when the Subject indication crossed her lab table.

The blood work, from what Lena could tell was most definitely pure kryptonian. Her mother wanted her to work with the direct source material.

After slipping off to shut down the power while her mother was busy, Lena began searching for where she might find Subject S-2.

Subject S-2 was on the same floor as the prison level. Likely to minimize the chance of escape.

Lena hoped she could do this as she overloaded the power distributer at the bottom-most level of the labs. A ladder was the only way in or out of the electrical level. Lena hurried to climb it as she heard the beginnings of the warning alarms, signalling her success. She jumped out of the scuttle she used to enter and quickly slammed the lid shut, turning the wheel to keep it closed.

Lena looked around, warily. She hurried down the passageway and to the fire escape. She needed to go one floor up.

Lena peaked out of the the door as she exited onto the prison level. Scientists and guards alike were scrambling around her, some attempting to handle escaping subjects.

Lena hurried beyond the chaos to find the lab she needed: PL012. Subject S-2 was scrawled onto a board on the side. A sign hung on the door: NO UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY.

Lena pushed the door to no avail. It was locked. She heard slams and shouts from inside. Lena could only hope Kara wasn't inside being hurt.


Lena turned away from the door to see Kara, her Kara coming toward her in all her Supergirl glory.

"Kara." She breathed. Feeling as if her world were coming together again.

"Stay away!" Kara's sister, Alex Danvers stepped between them.

Lena glanced at the door beside her. It had gone quiet inside. If Kara was out here, then that meant only one person could be in there.

"Agent Danvers, I would never hurt her." Emotion broke through her voice. She hadn't meant for it to, Kara brought that out of her.

"Then why work with Cadmus?" Alex wondered.

Lena looked across Alex's shoulders, right into Kara's eyes.

"You know why." Lena spoke more to Kara than to Alex.

She saw Kara reach out and pull Alex back.

"I believe her, Alex." Kara stepped around her sister. She approached Lena cautiously.

"Lena." Kara was quiet. Shy.

"I told you to stay away." Lena's voice was a plea.

"I know." Kara looked sheepish.

The door beside them wrenched open. On the other side, with a broken door knob in his hand, stood Superman.

"We should get out of here." Kara told the group.

Kal regarded Lena with distrust.

"Are you sure?" He looked at Kara meaningfully.

"I trust her Kal, you should too if you trust me." Kara wasn't standing for it any longer. She pushed past everyone then stopped, turning to face the group.

Lena realized why Kara stopped.

"I'll lead the way."

Lena took the lead, just barely brushing her fingertips against Kara's as she passed her by.

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