Chapter 8

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Kara was going to be late for her date with Lena. She knew it. She also did not have time to call ahead.

She fought against yet another of Cadmus' enhanced humans. They seemed to be getting stronger. She didn't quite understand it.

This one was mutated. She gripped his fists as he pushed against her. Kara thrust with enough might go push him back and he slammed backwards.

She really needed to get this over with so she could get to her date with Lena.

Kara punched downward. Her blow knocked the breath out of her target. Neutralized, she picked him up and began the flight to the DEO.

Kara rushed to meet Lena. She had called ahead to let her know there had been an emergency and she was late, she was so, so sorry.

Lena had been so very warm over the phone, Kara felt guilty over her double life.

She had flown home and quickly changed into the dress she had laid out that morning.

Lena had asked her to dress nicely.

They met outside of what looked to be bar/restaurant. Live music could be heard from inside.

Lena was a welcomed sight to Kara. Her dress was a deep, dark blue. The skirt was tight at the waist but flowed around her legs.

"Do you dance, Kara?" She practically purred Kara's name. Kara shivered, and it was most definitely not from the cold.

Kara gave a shy nod.

"It's been a while." She had learned to dance some on Krypton. She had also danced with James that one time, under the influence of red kryptonite but that had been such a hard memory, she sometimes wanted to forget.

Lena entwined her fingers with Kara's own.

"Come." She pulled Kara to a hostess who seated them.

"Are you hungry?" Lena asked her.

"Starving." Kara admitted.

The live band played a slow song. People danced on a lowered dance floor that the tables surrounded.

A waitress came by and took their drink orders. Kara ordered alcohol though she knew it would have no effect. If only because Lena ordered wine herself.

"What was the emergency?" Lena prodded her after some time.

"Work." Kara gave Lena a regretful look.

Lena nodded. She squeezed Kara's hand.

"I think I can understand that, Kara." Lena meant it. "There may be times when I may find myself held up at the office."

Kara gave her a grateful smile.

Lena continued, "I think we can make this work though, if we make time for one another, don't you?"

"Yes, yes I do, Lena." Kara's expression was earnest. She really, really wanted whatever this was between herself and Lena.

They ordered their food. Kara complained about Snapper Carr and Lena shared her latest project.

Kara practically drooled over her food when it arrived. It looked delicious. It smelled fantastic.

As Kara took her first bite, she couldn't help the moan that fell past her lips. Lena cleared her throat.

Kara looked up to see that Lena looked a little flustered.

"I-, I'm so sorry." Kara was apologetic.

A foot pressed against her own. Was Lena playing footsies?

"It's not a problem, Kara." Lena leaned forward. Her eyes were darkened. Kara gulped.

They ate their meal in tension-filled silence. As they finished, Lena stood and held her hand out to Kara.

"Dance with me?" Her smile was sly. Kara took her hand with a shy smile of her own.

Lena led her to the dance floor. She took the lead to the lilting tune being played on the dance floor. Kara's nerves calmed as she got lost in Lena's mesmerizing eyes.

It took her a moment to catch onto the pattern of steps, but with Lena's subtle guidance, the press of her fingers at her back, the way her palm flexed during certain turns, Kara fell into the dance easily. She fell into Lena easily.

One sang became two, soon three. Kara was pressing closer. She was no longer gazing into Lena's eyes, the fire burning there was burning her from the inside out.

She laid her head on Lena's shoulder.

"I could stay like this forever." she murmured into Lena's shoulder.

Lena's chuckle was low, warm.

They stopped at after two more dances.

As Lena paid for their dinner, Kara watched the people around them. Some were happy, some falsely so, but they were living such normal lives. She almost envied them. Almost.

They left the restaurant in a bit of a daze. Neither ready to end such a good night.

"Kara." Lena interrupted her thoughts.

"I-," Lena sighed. "I don't want tonight to end but-,"

"Slow." Kara finished.

Lena nodded. She bit her lip.

"Can I kiss you good night?" Kara wondered sweetly.

Lena closed her eyes. She smiled, nodding.

Kara stepped in and cupped the back of Lena's neck. She slipped her lips over Lena's.

Kara frowned as she heard the danger in the distance. She pulled Lena out of the way, not pulling away from their kiss, under the pretense of pulling her into the wall of the restaurant as a shot rang out, missing both of them by several feet.

Lena hardly noticed how fast Kara had moved or that Kara had pretty much lifted her from the ground as they kissed, she was so focused on the sensation of it.

Kara pulled back, glad that the street was empty of passersby. All except for one.

The shooter gaped at the two women. He didn't have time to pull the trigger again as the agent that was supposed to be protecting Lena caught up and disarmed him.

Lena watched with widened eyes.

"Agent!" She was displeased. The agent looked to be a little annoyed but more at himself than anything.

Kara eyed him warily. He gave her a guilty look. Kara sighed. She realized he probably had relaxed, knowing Kara was there.

Lena crossed her arms, ready to tear into the man but Kara silenced her with her lips.

"It's a hard job." Kara whispered against Lena's lips. "I'll talk to Alex."

Lena forgot about the offending agent and pulled Kara to her once again.


Another kissing scene 😉

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