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I was not a jealous person. At least I hoped I didn't look like one. Alpha Ryder had found his mate but the meaning of that to me was as low as I was about to swoop to get her out of the picture. The pack was mine and no rogue was going to take that away from me. Not today, not ever.

In terms of how I was to do this, was the actual question. But I did not lack the tricks up my sleeve. Sex was always an applicable option but something told me that I might have to bring a little more than that to the table this time. I could tell things were about to get messy. If I had to go down to the core of the earth just so the packs future remains mine, I would. I would have no future without it.

After Damien got what he wanted from me last night, he left and I was alone with my thoughts and scrutinies. I just couldn't believe that he found her. If there was a day I was dreading it was mostly definitely this one.

I knew from stories and the people around me that a mates bond was like none other and that no one could love you like a mate does nor could any one make you feel the sane way they make you feel.

I don't have a mate.

At least I highly doubt I have one, nor do I actually want one. If I had a mate, would he love me? Even if I did have sex with multiple people? No, he wouldn't. And so I decided that I just don't have one, and I'd rather have money and power than love.

My thoughts were interrupted by buzzing and vibrations from my phone. I looked to my bedside drawer where my phone was charging and saw that it was a call from Damien. I'm not in the mood for sex but I know that regardless, he'll get it from me if that's what he wants.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone and cleared my throat. Then I let out a sigh from my long night of staying up.

"Hey, Eve?" He questioned, not used to hearing me like this.

"Yeah, what's up?" I mumbled. I sat up in my bed and began to fumble around with my tv remote.

"I just wanted to talk about last night."

"What about it?" If he was calling talk about the the terrible news he told me yesterday, I couldn't be bothered for him to talk me out of seeing Ryder.

"The sex wasn't...."

The sex wasn't good? Was he mad at me? Did I disappoint him?

The pack just saw me as an easy quick call or just somebody to have sex with whenever they wanted. Of course I wanted my future to be bright with Alpha Ryder around my finger and the pack at my feet, but did the people of this pack need to give me such dirty looks when I passed them by? If anyone got to know me, they'd know I wasn't that bitchy...

I wasn't stupid. I heard what people were saying about me.

I had no friends, no support, nothing but my body and ambition to get me where I wanted in life. Maybe they thought I was stupid for doing the things I did but I know in the end, they'll wish they did the same.

My parents don't talk to me anymore and 8 times out of 10 I would do anything to change that.

I know that they're embarrassed to have raised someone like me. But what could I have done? My life was falling to pieces and after I said yes to one person, more people kept on coming and I couldn't say no. Now, I only said yes to people of status. As long as I have money and power, nothing could possibly go wrong.

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