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Heartbroken. I was genuinely heartbroken. And to be honest, I couldn't properly understand why.

Who would've thought that it would me, crying in my room over some boy? But he wasn't just some boy, he was my mate. And I didn't even know what that meant.

I barely knew anything about mates. All I really knew was that they loved each other immediately. But why didn't Alpha Kal love me immediately? I felt the urge to touch him yesterday morning, but he didn't want anything else but to kick me out of that room as quickly as possible.

My eyes watered again.

What's going on with me? This isn't Eve. Eve doesn't cry this much. Eve doesn't get sad like this. Eve usually wants to go out and find ways to fuck people over. The Eve right now just wants to cry.

Why were my emotions in this house so damn heightened?

I wiped my eyes and sat up straight in bed. What was I supposed to do now? It was far past morning by now, probably afternoon or late afternoon. Dr. Terrence had brought me upstairs last night but that was it. I felt like I had been forgotten. I was hungry.

Then I heard a knock on the door.
I raced to answer it. "Jax," I greeted warily.

"Eve," he started, inviting himself in. He looked around the room then landed his eyes in me once again. "You look depressing."

"Thanks," I said.

"Why are your eyes puffy?"

"Im allergic to bullshit alpha mates."

He looked taken aback, like he was offended for me disrespecting his alpha but trying not to say anything. "He's not used to showing or even having emotions. He'll get used to it."

"Since when is a mate someone you have to 'get used to'?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "I was under the impression it was a whole lot simpler than that."

"Not with him it is." He remarked. "Now let's go."

"Go where?"

"I'm taking you on a tour of the pack house."

"Finally coming to terms that I'm going to be here a while?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I came to those terms when I realized what you were to Kal." His stare was blank.

"Wow," I started. "It's almost as if you don't hate me anymore."

"I didn't hate you."

"Then explain why my arms are bruised." I raised my arms showing him.

His eyes lowered slightly to look at my left arm. "Oops."

"No sorry?"

"Why would I ever apologize to a woman who bears the mark of a man other than her mates?" He suddenly snapped.

I became angry again. And quickly too. I looked him straight in the eyes, the anger building up in me. "Don't you dare ever, assume things about me."

He looked away uncomfortable but I stepped closer.

"You don't know me, so don't pretend like you fucking do," I spat. "Understand?" I felt a power within me, a new side of hidden rage. I felt my eyes darken.

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