Chapter 11: What ;-;

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As the both of you eat, you fail to notice your twin sister sneaking behind the walls of the kitchen, squealing to herself.
The clock beeped 7:30. School starts in thirthy minutes, and it was the first time you actually woke up early.

Marco clears his throat. "Um... sorry, for last night, you know?"

"...why?" You furrow your eyebrows.

"Nothing, I just felt like it was awkward."

"Awkward?" You ask in disbelief. "You think that was awkward? Marco, that was the greatest time in my life in this dimension!"

He chuckles a bit, before taking another spoonful of his food. Star, after screaming quietly, finally comes out. "Alright, lovebirds, if you don't wanna be late, we gotta get going!" She says.

Lovebirds. You feel something hot again and you go touching the part where it heated up. Damnit!

You see that Marco is dressed differently this season. He's wearing a (color) hoodie instead his worn-out zip-up red one.

As you finish your breakfast, you quickly reach for your backpack in your room. "C'mon, Y/N, let's go!" Star calls from downstairs. You sigh quietly before running, but you tripped over a bump on the floor.

"Ow." You mutter before looking behind you where you tripped. Then, you groan. "Ugh, Star! Hide your spellbook!" You push the book under Star's bed.

"Just hide it! Let's go!" Star shouts back.


Just as the three of you arrived by Star's transformation spell, everyone is chatting about the season. You, Marco and Star walk to your first period together.

"Nice sweater, Marco," Hope comments. "But nothing is nicer than Star's new winter outfit!" She pulls her for a tight hug.

You lean forward to Marco. "Is she always like this?"

"Yep. Everytime Star and I bump into Hope, that happens."

"Oh." You nod. You glance everywhere. "What time is it?"

Marco's eyes widen when you stated that, and he frantically look at his wristwatch. "Oh my gosh, it's 7:56!"

He runs and runs towards the lockers.

It was Star who you asks next. "What about, 7:56?"

"Oh that's just the exact time when Marco would nod to Jackie and she would nod back." She explained.

As if on cue, Jackie Lynn Thomas skates her way across the hallway. Marco, of course, nod with a smile as Jackie nods back.

After their small interaction, Marco walks back to the both of you with a smile. He sighs dreamily. "She's so cool,"
"Marco, you should just tell her!" You say.

"Tell her?!" He whisper-shouts in disbelief. "Do you wonder what'll happen if I tell her?"

You smile. "You'll feel better afterwards."

Marco stares at your calm face. He argues with his mind, but he sighs in major defeat. "Okay,"

"Yay!" You and Star squeal. The both of your screams echoes through the almost empty hallways.

The bell then rings. Few students start to go to their assigned classes. You, Marco, and Star walk towards the room.

While Ms. Skullnick teaches about triangles and ladybugs, you can't help but notice how Marco looks with the right light angle, as he listens quietly.

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