Chapter 20: Bon Bon

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Heyyy, our special 20! Thanks for the 30k reads. REALLY APPRECIATE THE EFFORT, GUYS. Sorry for the long wait.



"Yeah, sure."

"Great!" Janna exclaims. "We expect you to be there, Y/N!"

"For the great return of Bon Bon the Birthday Clown!" Star chimes in.

"Bon Bon?" You question. "Who's that?"

"Oh, I will tell you."

△◆△◆ <--- i'll call you Billie

After Janna had volunteered to explain the whole trick candles, there was a door slamming open all of the sudden, coming from the living room. "Star, I'm home!" A voice shouts.

"Oh, that's Marco, better go downstairs!" Star states and run downstairs.

"Hey, Marcoooo~" she greets. "So, did you pick a nice shirt for the prom?"

"Uh, yeah," Marco replies as he tries to hide his anger. "Is Janna still there?"

Star nods. "Yeah!" He groans inwardly. "We're playing a board game with Y/N. Would you like to join, Marco?"

At the mention of your name, Marco winces. "Oh. N-no thanks, Star. I have to... take a nap after a long day at the mall."

"Oh!" She jumps, making him jump too. "By the way, Janna, Y/N, and I are about to witness a birthday clown seance! Want to come this Friday?"

Clearly not in the mood, Marco raises one of his eyebrows. "Don't you remember what you just asked minutes ago?" He sighs. "I'm going to a prom, so I don't have time for a clown ressurection."

Star freezes in shock. She never seen Marco in this state. "Uh, okay. You could join our game later."

Or never, he rolls his eyes that Star luckily didn't notice. "I'll be in my room," he retorted before doing so.

After Marco was gone, Star shrugs and goes to ascend into her own room.

△◆△◆ Friday

Marco faces the mirror and stares at his reflection seriously as the radio plays out Mexican music. "Okay," he says to himself and reaching to get his personal essentials and hygiene. Marco smells the cologne before spraying it in a spot. He closes his eyes and brace himself for the scent― until he trips over a body. Marco screams, pulling his towel higher. "Janna?! What are you doing here?!"

Another person pops up above the sink with Janna and gets the radio. "Oh, Star and I needed some supplies for the clown seance. Thanks, Marco!"

"Aw, now my butt smells like cologne," he complains.

Janna slaps his butt, which Marco jumps and his cheeks are now tinted pink. "Yeah. Smells good." To prove her point, she smell the scent and hums in satisfaction.

Interrupting their conversation is a doorbell.

"Oh no, that's Jackie!" Marco panics and quickly runs to the nearest door he could find. Unfortunately, he stumbled upon a closet. He comes out, panting. "Wh-where's my room?!"

Janna and Star points to where his room is and that's where Marco runs to next. The two come down the stairs with their stuffs. "I'll get it!" Star shouts when the doorbell rings the second time. Before going to the door, she sees you, plopped on the couch. "Y/N, why didn't you get it?"

"I'm too lazy."

Ignoring your monotone reply, Star opens the door and sees Jackie in a blue green dress. You glance up and didn't say a word.

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