Chapter 29: Happily Ever After?

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"When there's death, there will always be death."



Ludo then approaches Jackie, who's still carrying an axe. "Care to do the honors?"

"What, me?" She replies, looking over the person who's doubling over in pain.

"Yes! You! You want to kill her, am I right? Now, do what you want to do. Fulfill your wishes!"

This makes Jackie smirk. "Alright." She walks slowly towards you, lifting her weapon up.

You close your eyes. Maybe this was your destiny. You wait for her to kill you. To end your life.

But nothing came.

Still, you heard an axe brutally inserted into one's body. You flinch so hard even the one holding you winced.

Your eyes are still closed shut, as you heard gasps around you. You don't even want to know who sacrificed their life just to save you, but your curiosity leads you to slowly open your eyes. You finally saw the silhouette in front of you.

Your eyes widen like plates as the person groans in pain, holding their left shoulder where the axe was placed.

"Let me go, let me go!" You cry, still squirming to somehow get out of this. Bearicorn lets you go and wipes his own tears. A new portal was still there, where the person came from.

Two figures emerge from the portal. It was Marco and Star. "Janna?"

They saw you, hugging her bloody body. You can see the life draining out of her. Marco and Star immediately run towards you, their eyes pricking with tears. "Oh my gosh," Star whispers. "Janna. No..."

You were the one who's about to killed anyway. Instead, Janna sacrificed her own life to save yours. It was the biggest mistake of your life to just stand there and didn't do anything. If you haven't come to Earth and met Marco, none of this could've ever happen. Janna will still be alive, Jackie and Marco could be happily dating, but you just got in the way and ruin everyone's lives. This is all your fault.

Janna coughs, blood pouring out of her body. "I-I-I'm... sorry..." she breathes.

"No! You can't die!" You scream, tears falling. "I'm so sorry... this was all my fault."

Marco holds your hand, covered in blood. He squeezes it before crying silently. Star hugs Janna, remembering their friendship one last time.

You suddenly got an idea. This could work. You get Star's scissors and cut a portal on air.

"Tom!" You call, putting your hand inside and see the ball room, all messed up and everywhere. "Tom!"

"Y/N!" The said demon runs to you. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"It's Janna."

Those two words send Tom into a panicky state. In an instant, he goes inside the portal and sees the girl he truly loves. "Oh my gosh. No― Janna!" He kneels in front of her and closes his eyes.

Instead of sobbing, the three of you hear gibberish words. Tom mumbles a sentence, a spell.

"Noitcerusser! Noitcerusser! Niaga evila nosrep siht ekam! Tcerusser!"

His eyes went full white, pupils turning red as he lifts himself up in the air, fire surrounding him. Janna was floating as well, her closed eyes opening and turning into white soon after.

Everyone looks up with a hopeful heart, wishing for their friend to come back. Tom lets go of the breath he was holding for so long, falling into the hard ground.

Janna takes a deep breath before opening her brown eyes, breathing again.  All of you rejoice and wipe away the tears, replacing them with joy.

"Janna Banana!" Star calls her by her nickname. "Thank goodness, you're back! I knew Tom had it in him!"

The said demon groans in pain. "My head hurts. Does anybody have some orange slices?" He groans again.

The four of you smile together.

"Hey!" Ludo interrupts. "Don't forget about me!"

"And me." Jackie says, readying her axe once more. Janna goes after Tom, carrying him in the other dimension.

The monsters positioned themselves back in place, they huddle until they are facing the three of you. All pf you are in a fighting position, ready to attack... but some are ready to kill and brutally murder one another.

(i would draw this, but i'm lazy as heck)

"Attack!" Ludo was the first to shout and cut the thick, intense atmosphere.

The monsters― and Jackie screams and lift their weapons, gleaming in the sunlight.

You would be powerful, but without the wand... guess you'd just use your twelve years practice of karate and judo lessons.

Star casts her spells, sending dozens of monsters ten feet away. You are against Jackie. You prevent the axe from touching your bare skin, like you're playing Arm Wrestling, but instead you're using an axe. You suddenly kick Jackie's legs, which makes her fall to the ground.

You throw away the axe.

And left.

You decided to help Marco, to get the wand. You kick up the large chicken's face, until it lands on Boo Fly. You swim your way out of the huge crowd fighting, until you eventually reach the fucking bird who holds your precious wand.

You kick Ludo up, letting go of the wand. Picking it up, you blast it to the nearest monster and it turns back to the normal look.

It became quiet for a minute. You look around to see Star and Marco completely safe, no harm. You sigh in relief. You look at the wand, which you're holding.

"Y/N!" Marco and Star call simultaneously.

You didn't even react before blasting your wand behind you, where a girl carrying a weapon almost killed you. Ypu chuckle. Star laughs as well.

You glance at Marco and show a small smile with a thumbs up.

Marco smiles back, showing his thumbs up too, he wants you to know that he's okay.

Even with a broken heart.


//fucking finally. sorry if i keep posting shorter chapters these days. also sorry for almost killing Janna Banana. hihihi. but Tom was there to save the day! damnnnn, hope you emjoyed the chapter!


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