Chapter 3: Friends?

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I'll try to use present tense. XD


"You're not going anywhere!"

You and Star stop abruptly on your heels and look at the boy infront of the door.


"Marco?" You asked. "Is that him?" Yeah, you've got to admit, he's the first boy you seen as an attractive one compare to those lame suitors; and it's on Earth. But you kept your guard. "You! Oh, so you're the one who made Star sad, huh? Just because you're angry at her for not telling you that I'm coming here?!"

Marco ignores you and faced Star. "What is she doing here?" He scoff. "I can't afford to have another Butterfly who don't tell secrets to friends!"

Star stays quiet. Meanwhile, you were really angry that smoke came out of your ears and you're face got red. Star squeezes your hand and her quiet face looks into you. You could see in her eyes that it was begging you to stop. Eventually, you caught on and sigh.

Marco was confused. "What... just happened?"

"Nothing. You won't care anyway." You snap, before taking Star's arm and go through Marco without saying another word.

Marco's face is blank. What really did just happen between the two of you? But what he realized is that he didn't really apologized to you and Star. You and Marco knew she's sensitive, even with the littlest of hurtful things.


"Y/N, I thought I told you to control your anger..."

"I know, I know. And I'm sorry, okay?"

"Promise you won't do it again?"

"I... probably..? Won't do it again." You say.

"Y/N," Star whines.

"A-alright. I won't do it again. I'll do it for you." You smile.

"Yey!" Star runs to you for a big hug.

You laugh. "Okay," you set her down. "Let's have fun, alright?"



After a hangout at the Amethyst Arcade, The Bounce Lounge, Scum Bucket, and other more (because you don't want to go Quest Buy, yuck!), you both went home.

You cut open a portal with your blue imterdimensional scissors.

"Woah! Mom gave you one?" Star stares in awe.

"Yeah, mom and dad said I can keep it since I'm 'responsible' enough." You made imaginary quotations with your hands. "It's a good thing, so we can go to everywhere we want! Now, come on, the portal's closing!"

You and Star jump and are immediately sent back to Echo Creek.

"Mijo, Marco! Come here and help mama and I. Star! Dinner's ready!" Rafael shouts.

"Y/N, that's Marco's parents. How are they going to find out?" Star asks.

You shrug. "Mm... it's okay. I have my own food Dad packed for me."

"Oh... okay."


An hour later, you actually didn't eat because you felt pity for Star. So being the dumb sis you were, you are hungry.

You suddenly hear shuffling and footsteps near the door. You try to hide, but unfortunately, you can't find any spaces and hiding spots.

Curse you, Star for being too lazy.

Someone opens the door and comes in. "Star? You in here?" It's a male voice. You peek through the curtains you finally hid into and see that it's Marco.

He easily sees your (h/c) hair and calls your name, having you to curse under your breath and coming out of the pink curtain. You furrow your eyebrows and meet his brown eyes that you only know about it now. You stay calm and didn't let that anger come to you, especially towards this guy infront of you.

"So," Marco says. "You're Star's sister, Y/N Butterfly, huh?"

"Yep. I'm Star's sister. So if you break her heart and hurt her feelings, I will hurt you." You growl.

"Wh-why are you here, anyway?"

"I'm here because I want to visit her." You reason. "What's wrong with that, Marco?" You spat his name like dirt.

"Oh, wh--"

"Stop!" Star interrupts. She goes in between you and Marco. "Stop it, guys! It's not necessary to fight when you just met each other!"

You notice a tear coming down Star's cheeks, so you go to her and comfort. Marco does the same, oblivious to your presence. When your eyes meet, you look away, focusing on your crying sister more.

"S-Star, I--we're sorry..." Marco starts.

"Yeah," you glance at him. "We will never do it again." As you stated, Marco looks at you, unsure.

Star sniffs. "R-really?"

You also look at Marco and glare at him, he gets the gist. "Yeah. No more fights, no more glaring contests. We will be..." he trails off.

You gulp. "F-friends..."

"O-okay." Star stops crying. "Promise?"

"I cross my heart and hope to fly."

She laughs lightly. "Marco?" She asks.

"Y-yeah. We promise." He answers.

Star is back on her giddy self again. "Okay! Yey! Y/N and Marco are friends!" She skips outside her room after saying, "I'm going outside to share everyone the good news!"

You shake your head and laugh. Marco smiles. After a while, making sure Star was gone, Marco faces you.

"Don't think I'm actually friends with you." He threathens.

You scoff. "Really? And to think you and I will be friends." You roll your eyes.

He groans at you before turning away and stomps his way to his room. You chuckle. You won the argument.

Star comes back, hair's frizzy and cut and clothes scratched. Your eyes widen and rush to go to her.

"What happened to you?" You ask.

"Well... I told the squirrels you're friends with Marco, but I accidentaly took their nuts and they attacked me." She dusts herself. You sigh as you pointed your wand infront of Star and zap it to normal. She's clean. "Oh, yeah! I forgot about that. Anyway, let's move on the real topic!"

She pulls your arm and leads you to her bed. Her grin is wide that reaches up to her eyes. It's obvious that she is containing her squeals and screams.

You look at her weirdly before continuing. "Uh, we... talked." You say quietly.

She gasps. "And? You're best friends with Marco now, right?" You fake-smile.

"Yeah. Friends."


Alright! It's a shitty chappie!

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