Chapter 4: StuDYING.

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I think I should use the present tense more often, yeah?

And on a more important author's note, OMG WE REACHED 100 READS?!?!?!


People just really loves Marco that much...



"What should I wear? Red, or blue?"

"(color)," You comment. Star nods.

She changes into her attire of choice. "Oh, Y/N, I forgot! I'm going to school tomorrow." She reminds you.

"Really? What kind of school? Karate, 'How to beat monsters 101', 'How to make sundaes'?" You list.

Star laughs. "No, silly! A regular kind of school for hoomans. With studying, and stuffs like that..."


"Yeah... it's boring, really, but you can meet a lot of friends!" Suddenly, an idea pops in Star's mind. She gasps. "Y/N! I have an idea!"

You turn to her after she's dressed. "Hm, what?" You ask.

"What if― you study there? With me?!"

You shrug. "It's a possibility. Let's go ask mom." You suggest. You and Star both walk to the magic mirror and open the curtain. You clear your throat. "Call, Mom."

The mirror responds, "Calling Tom."

"Wait, what?!" You two chorused. "Wait!"

Too late. Tom answers and waved. "Star! You called! And―Y/N? You're actually there with your beautiful sister?"

You scoff. "You know I don't like you. I hate myself for trusting you back then," You roll your eyes. "I want to kill you that time when you broke Star's heart and betrayed her." You snap, before ending the call.

You turn to Star. She's quiet and blank, you don't know how to respond to that, so you continue. "Call. Mom."

"Calling, mom."

The queen of Mewni responds. "Hi, mom." You and Star chorused once again.

"Hello, Star. Hello, Y/N; how's your first day in Earth?" She replies using her frequent accent.

"I'm fine," You answer. "Star's behaved."

"Yep!" Star agrees. You laugh lightly.

"That's great." Mom smiles. "What did you called me fohr?"

"Um... I want to ask for permission." You remind.

"What is it?"

Star interrupts. "Can Y/N go to school with me? Can she, can she, can she?!"


"Please, mom! Please! She'll be here forever anyway!" Star begs, doubling over as she closes her eyes.

"Oh, alright, Star. Y/N, I will be there with your father tomorrow morning and register at school." Mom rolls her eyes.

"Yes!" You and Star cheer. "Thanks!" And you ended the call.

"Oh, my gosh, (nickname)!" Star hugs you. "I'm super, duper excited! We'll be school buddies along with Marco!"

You stiffen. Marco. "Uhh... yeah!" You fake-smile. Unfortunately, Star notices your sudden change of mood.

"Y/N? Is something wrong?"

"No! Nothing's wrong, TwinklePrinkle. I'm just super happy." You reply.

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