Chapter 24: Getting Ready

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*Knock, knock!*

"Oh! She's here!" Star cheers and hurriedly runs to the door. She opens it wuth such excitement that even the person in the front door winces. "Heya, Ponyhead!"

"Star!" Ponyhead screams. "Careful with the human doors, will ya?" Pony rolls her eyes. "So, where's that turd I'll be helping?"

"Here he is! Marco."

"Hey." He waves.

The floating horse groans. "Could you atleast make him more decent everytime I come here?"

"What do you mean?" Marco asks suspiciously.

"I don't know, I don't wanna come here, just to see an Earth turd, inside and out."

"Well, you son of a─"

"Guys, guys!" Star interrupts as she goes between Ponyhead and Marco, who's glaring at each other. "Ponyhead, you came here to help Marco dress up for the ball. So can't you just do it?"

Pony sighs. "Fine," she answers with her accent.

"And Marco." Star turns to him. "Please avoid to start an argument with Ponyhead. She's helping us up already! Don't you want this?"

"Of course, Star, but─"

"Then let's get working!"


After 2 magical hours, with Marco's conplaining and wincing, it's finally finish.

"I present," Ponyhead says to Star. "Prince Earth turd."

Star is shocked herself.

Star is shocked herself

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(Screenshot obviously, i can't search a decent smiling-in-the-camera-Marco who is wearing a prince suit

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(Screenshot obviously, i can't search a decent smiling-in-the-camera-Marco who is wearing a prince suit. Obviously from "Face the Music" creds to wikia ;))

"Woah, Marco." Star breathes. "You're amazing! Y/N's gonna drop her jaw when she sees you like that."

Marco's face starts to color. "Um... pretty sure I'm gonna hide my identity, right?"

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