Chapter 25: Let's Dance

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"We're here! We're here!" Star screams in a giddy tone while the trio are walking inside the castle. Everything is designed with your favorite color. Streamers here and there, even balloons. Other kingdoms, mostly princes come in as well, with their uniforms and crowns.

Pony floats next to Star. "Star, so many cuties!" She whispers and Marco hears,  glancing at the said guys. It was true, which made himself to panic. What if you'd choose them instead of him? What if he'd just take the mask off so you'll know it's him. No, that's a bad idea. They soon enter the ballroom.

"Woah." Star looks around. "How I miss home," she whispers to herself. Mewmans chat together as they sway with the band music. Star begins to wander around the castle, which leaves Marco and Ponyhead.

"Hey, turd," Pony says, floating off to somewhere else. "I'm just going to talk with these hotties!"

Marco reaches out. "W-wait! Ponyhead, I-I―" but unfortunately she was now out of his grasp. He groans. Now he's all alone. He adjusts his mask.

Suddenly, the whole room darkens, the lights are off. Marco looks around and is  just as confused as the others.

A spotlight appears by the top of the grand staircase, making people, including the three, to look up and see Moon stepping inside the spotlight.

"Good evening, fellow Mewmans fellow kingdom. I am pleased to announce my eldest daughter and soon-to-be-queen..." she continues to speak. Meanwhile, you sigh and itch in your long gown. You suppose it's for the best. After all, you finished your purpose on Earth. You only went in that dimension only because you want to visit your sister, and you saw her. That's it.

"She shall be deciding on her suitors, and her king. Whatever she picks, she must marry the prince," Moon says. You've been dreading the words. Marry. Marriage. Suitors. Princes. King.

Another spotlight appears on the curtain and you're behind it. "I am pleased to introduce, Princess Y/N Butterfly." You soon step out of the curtain and look down.

Someone snaps at you. "Uh, darling?" You look at the voice. "Chin up..."

You slowly do. Music begins to harmonize as you slowly walk down the stairs, lifting your gown. You fail to notice a pair of brown eyes staring at you, head to toe.

"Woah, she's... amazing," they whisper to themselves.

Two guards come beside you and starts to read the scroll of the names  of the kingdoms. They introduce them to you, dance with you, even try to chat with you, but none of them caught your interest.

Yet. Marco thought.

It was Prince Alexander's turn to dance along the music with you.

"Hello," he says to you. "You strike me, miss Y/N."

Oh, am I a lightning now? You thought to yourself. "I'm terribly sorry, but I'm sure I don't know what you mean."

"I mean, we're simply alike. Same interest."

"Yes, but I don't have any interest in you."

The song ended, you immediately retreat back to your position by the guards, leaving prince Alexander a bit shocked and helpless.

"Next, is Prince Tom from the Underworld."

You widen your eyes when Tom approaches you. "Princess Y/N," he says before taking your hand and kissing it. "Can we just dance?" Tom pulls you to the dancefloor, you chuckle.

"Tom, what a surprise," you say in a smug tone.

He chuckles. "Oh, you know. I'm a prince, and I got invited." You snicker as Tom twirls you. "How's the safe kid?"

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