stump day part 2

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Here's part 2! Started writing it as soon as i published part 1...

I am really sorry for the long wait guys! School just started for me and i'm uh, playing games a lot lately... **cough** ddlc **cough** just *cou--* monika **couGhH**


Ps: i named marco's lil sister to Angel. (Rafael + Angie = Angel!!!)



The said man groaned, his other hand running over his face as he recognized the deep voice from his father.

"Hey, dad."

"Marcooooo! Merry Christmas from the Earth! Hehe, you know... because you are in the Mewni place..." Rafael tries to joke, but it was to no avail.

Marco sighs. "Happy Stump Day, dad. What do you need?"

"Heh, what makes you think that I need your help?" The Diaz patriarch chuckles nervously.

"Because you called... and clearly, you want me to do you a favor. I can feel your nervousness from the other side of this phone." Marco counters, making Rafael stop.

The older one sighs from the other side. "Fine, you got me. I just want you to babysit little Angel, that's all."

"What? Why won't you and mom do it?"

Rafael laughs nervously again, Marco not buying it. A moment of silence later...


He rolls his eyes, looking everywhere. He ignores his father's pleading. "No! Dad, please! I'm celebrating Stump Day on my own, you should, too!" And with that, he ends the call. Not feeling guilty --- ok, a bit, he goes down the stairs.

"Y/N, honey, ar--"

"Hi, Marco!!"

His eyes went wide like saucers, he wasn't expecting any guests. Her, no less. "Star?! Wha--"

"Happy Stump Day, you scallywag!!" The blonde-haired girl scoops him up in a tight hug.

Marco barely breathes a greeting back, but after Star lets go, he coughs a little. "What are you... doing here?"

"I'm here to visit my niece and nephew! Is there a problem?"

He looks at her with an exasperated sigh. "No. Not a problem at all. Da-"


He sighs once again, he's always interrupted, isn't he? Marco turns around, ready to speak a word, until it was caught in his throat. In your arms is his sleeping sister. "Y/N? Star! Wh-wha--"

"Oh," Star answers. "The Diaz wanted me to take her to you guys."

You look at her non-chalantly. "Is that so? Why didn't they tell us?"

The other Butterfly chuckles. "They didn't tell you?" She quotes. "Well, Mr. Diaz said that he's been calling Marco non-stop to watch the baby...."

Marco, distressed, tries to shush Star, but as always, he was interrupted. "Marco?"

He snaps out of it and sharply looks at you in the eye. "Yes, dear?"

Star, sensing the tension, carefully walks out of the room. "I'm just gonna... go see (daughter name) and (son name).... bye."

The both of you glance at her for a minute before calling his name once more. "Marco." You slowly walk towards him. Marco narrows his eyes in a doubtful way. "Why didn't you tell me?"

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