Chapter 26a

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"Hey! Marco!"

The both of you abruptly stopped, you turn to see your sister, Star, violently waving at you and Prince Mud, or so you thought.

You look at back at him and sharply take the mask off. "Marco?!" You gasp. The boy you were about to kiss is none other the boy who was a jerk to you. "What are you doing here?" You say, throwing his mask down in anger.

"Y-Y/N, I-I... I―"

"I don't want to hear it." You raise a hand and look away. You start to walk inside, until Marco holds your wrist.

"Y/N, wait," he says, a bit gesturing to Star to get inside. She follows immediately. "Y/N, I have to explain all of this."

You take a deep breath, beore turning to him completely. "Explain."

He lets go of your wrist, looking down as he speak. "Y/N, I've been a jerk to you all this time. I only realized that when I was with Jackie. So I am truly sorry for what I did. I know it was wrong, please forgive me?"

You sigh. "Anything else?"

"Do you have the time?" Marco asks, stepping forward.

"Eh, I still have like―two hours and since your the last 'prince', I could say that I'm free."

"Alright." He takes a deep breath once more before continuing. "Can I ask you a question?"


"Do you plan on giving me some advice?"

You look at him weirdly. "Um, sure. Whatever you like."

"Okay, so this guy that I knew very well has an extraordinary feeling in his heart! Called love. Towards a beautiful girl, I may say. So, say that the guy is planning to confess to the girl. How can he do it, when he is such a wuss about the topic?" He crosses his arms, waiting for an answer from you with a smirk.

"Hm. Well, he just needs to be himself an―"

"Oh!" Marco interrupts. "I'm so sorry for interrupting, your highness―" you roll your eyes. He's such a dork. "―but first off, I am very sorry for the disguise; prince and all. So sorry for tricking you, Y/N, it's just that― Star and Ponyhead convinced me into going to this party!"

"We're getting off-topic," you remark.

Marco slaps his forehead. "Oh! Right, right. Continue with your advice."

"Sure. What I mean is, that guy needs to be himself! If the girl didn't like him back, she's not for him. At least he plucked up the courage to go ahead and ask him right? I―"

"I need to say something again!" Marco cuts you off once more. "I want to say that I'm sorry for pushing you in the mall. I was very embarrassed to hurt a girl like you―" why is he rambling?? you thought. "―by the way, all the way to the prom, I kept thinking about how to apologize! Really! I haven't thought about Jackie the whole evening!" Liar.

"Um..." you cross your arms. "We're getting off-topic again?"

"Right, right. Continue."

"For the last time, just confess and dont' be afraid. If she accepts him, fine. If she rejects him, fine! I mean, it's not that―"

"Last thing I want to say is that―"

"OKAY!" You shout. You're getting angry by the third time he interrupted you. Why is he even rambling? "Marco, for the last time, please." Marco sighs. "Ugh. What are you even trying to say?"

Marco sighs. "What I'm trying to say is..."

"Well?" You tap your feet against the floor repeatedly and look at him.

With steady, fast heartbeats and a sweating forehead, he looks around except you. When he finally gets ahold of himself, he takes a deep breath once more and looks straight into your (e/c) orbs.

"―I do have a crush on you."


short chapter so i can keep this book active.

goodnight, wattpad and readers

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