Chapter 14: Mewberty.

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Hey, y'all! I was about to make a New Years Special called, "Mew Years", but I got lazy and it's too late. So.

Requested by: @unicorn4eva (something's wrong with the tags sorry)


Just imagine Star and Marco's voices are saying the dialogs and imagine them doing what was written below XD that will expand your imaginations. Lol


"Star, this is ridiculous." You take off your glasses as you scratch the scarf around you. The (mark) marks are getting worse. They are spreading across your face.

"It's not ridiculous, Y/N! You'll thank me later. And who's the one who first encountered Mewberty? Me." She points to herself.

You trash off. "I don't need any of this!" Suddenly a purple (mark) appears on your forehead and you gasp as you try to remove it.

"See! You do! You'll hunt boys at school! You'll produce purple (mark) and eventually have extra limbs and large wings!"

You visibly shudder at the thought.

"Star, Y/N! Let's go! We need to get to school by 7:55!" Marco shouts from downstairs. You roll your eyes. Oh yeah. The time when Jarco would nod with each other. Yep. My sister calls them that.

You and Star reach for your bags and quickly run downstairs. You didn't have the chance to throw off your scarf since Star already transported the three of you there. Marco panics and marches towards the lockers at exactly 7:56. Jackie comes by and passed him as she nods. He nods back. She stops and stands in front of Marco, talking to him. He was taken aback.

You look at the two while you touch the cheek where your cheek is faintly glowing. A boy suddenly goes by and your wander off to him. "Boy," you mutter, purple (mark) marks all through your forehead. Your mind takes over your body as your (e/c) eyes slowly becoming purple.

"Aww, Star! I love the new outfit today!" Someone says.

Star grins. "Thanks! My sister Y/N picked this for me!" She looks around. "Hey, where's Y/N?" She suddenly sees you, following Justin. Star tries to pull you, but you don't stop walking.

"Boy," you mumble to yourself.

"Y/N!" Star wakes you up. She slaps you hard. You shake your head.

You notice and feel the purple (mark) marks all over your face. You scream before attempting to remove them all. The bell rings. You panic more. "Star! I can't go to class or I'll just go crazy!"

"It's okay, (nickname)! You won't go to class! I'll just have Marco to accompany you here!"

"Marco?!" Shit.

"Yeah!" Star nods. "Hey, Marco, over here!"

"Eek!" You cover your face with a scarf and run somewhere to hide from Jackie. Her and Marco turns to Star just as she talks to them.

"Marco! I want you to do something for me!" But before she could completely pull him away from Jackie, Star looks to her. "Jackie, can I borrow Marco for a sec?"

She wears a smile. "Of course, Star." When the two of them turn around, her smile instantly turns into a scowl as she stares at Star and Marco marching over you.

"Marco, I want you to stay with Y/N until the class ends," Star instructs.

Marco was surprised. "What?! But it's Math! You know I love Math and I want to pass that subject!"

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