Chapter 5

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~Emma's POV (Takes place just after Megan leaves to go killing)~

"Goodbye everyone!" I heard Megan scream as she ran out the door. "Bye!" I yelled back at my friend even though I know that she probably couldn't hear me. I sighed and looked back at the TV. I was sitting in the living room on the couch bored to death. Kat and Eleanor had started to fight over who could play video games the best. She was beginning to wander through her mind when she was brought back to the present by Eleanor screaming her name since apparently she hadn't been paying attention.

"Huh? What?" Emma asked Eleanor. Eleanor sighed and retorted, "I said, who do you think is better at video games!?" "Uh..." I don't want to lie to either of them but if I say that one is better than the other then one of them will get mad again! Last time I got someone mad I almost got killed by Shadow stalker! Well I guess that I should have taken her side but still! Oh well I'll just tell them that I don't know. "Guys! You are both equal to me. Why don't you go ask Chloe who is better!" "Aww! But Chloe still isn't completely healed yet! Plus Shadow Stalker says that if she catches us disturbing Chloe then she'll kill us!" Eleanor said in a worried tone. Even Kat, who wasn't afraid of anything, was scared of Shadow Stalker! I'm not though.

I know that no matter how many threats that Shadow Stalker makes, Kathryn will always come through for us and help. Even if she is just a normal person incapable of killing, she always would talk to Shadow Stalker while they were both out and then Shadow Stalker would come back and apologise for threatening all of them. It was as if Shadow Stalker was afraid of Kathryn! I know that's impossible though, because Shadow Stalker isn't afraid of anything. Or anyone. Not even Slenderman scared her, even though she had never met him. I know that all of us, even KAT, are scared of him and we know that we couldn't stand up against him in a fight for long, even with our abilities! Hmmm. I wonder what Megan is up to right now. I bet that SHE isn't bored out of her mind! She loves killing!

It was then that Emma looked over at the clock hanging on the left wall. OMG! It is already almost midnight! No wonder everyone is already in bed! I guess that I'll turn in too. Emma got up from the couch and started to go to the stairs when she remembered something. Oh shoot! Where the heck is Megan! I thought that she usually got finished killing by eleven at the latest! I hope that she is alright! Hang on a sec. Just calm down. Ya ok. I bet that Megan just got a little carried away with killing and since the walk home is so long she is probably on her way back right now. Emma walked up the stairs drowsily. "Maybe I shouldn't have stayed up so late." Emma mumbled to herself as she reached the top. She turned to the right and walked down to the farthest door to her left. Upon entering her room she looked around. It was painted a light shade of blue with snowflake designs scattered everywhere on it. She had a large bookshelf that took up most of the room and it was filled with her favorite books that Kathryn had brought her. I wonder why Kathryn was never scared of us. I mean we are Killers! Why would anyone want to be friends with us? Maybe she is just different. Ya know, I always wonder why Kathryn and Shadow stalker are never around at the same time. Hmmm... I'll just have to ask when one of them comes back. Hey, why did Shadow stalker leave? I know she said it was something important but she never said what it was. I guess I'll have to ask about that too. ugggh. It's too late for this much thinking. Must sleep! Emma closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Her last thought was Where could Megan be? What is taking her so long?

The next morning Emma awoke to being shaken, rather roughly, by Katie. "Katie? When did you get here?" Katie was, what Emma called, a drifter. Someone who isn't always at the house and can kill whenever they feel like it. Shadow stalker is a drifter and if Kathryn was a killer, she would be one too. "Well I got here at about 2:00 in the morning, but that's not important! Megan is missing!" Katie said in a distressed tone. "Wait...WHAT!?! What do you mean Megan is missing? Killers don't just go missing!" "Well Megan never returned from killing last night, as Chloe informed me, and everyone else is getting ready to go look for her." "Okay. I'll get ready." I swear, if anyone hurts Megan, I will personally see that they die the most painful death imaginable! NOBODY hurts MY friends, or my family!

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