Chapter 17

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Shadow Stalker's POV

Once I was finished changing I grabbed my mask and slipped it on before pulling my hood over my head. When I walked out of my room I noticed something. Everyone was being abnormally quiet. Something was definitely up. I crept down the hall and down the staircase until I heard whispering. Me being the stalker I am, I decided to listen in. I could just faintly hear them talking. "What do we do?" "This is the second time now!" "What are we going to tell Kathryn?" "I hope she'll take it lightly." and other sentences that I couldn't quite make out.

Carefully I peeked my head stealthily around the corner and saw them all standing in the living room in a little huddle. Well, everyone but Emma. Where is she?Last time I saw her she was heading out on patrol... Oh S***! Something must have happened. I whistled to get all of their attention. They all turned towards me and their faces paled. I bet that they were expecting Kathryn. No surprise there. At least it's me not Shadowfang. The first person to snap out of their surprised state was Megan. "H-hey Shadowstalker. What are you doing here? Where's Kathryn?"

I smiled gently and replied with, "Kathryn left. Now, What is going on?" They all fidgeted nervously and eventually it was JEN who spoke up. "Ok don't be mad or anything but Emma's gone missing and we kind of think that Toby had something to do with it. However, Eleanor and the rest of her team are heading out to go train at a hunter facility in Maine so they can't stay." I looked at Eleanor and her team who all had their gear and bags packed. I sighed. "How long will you be gone?" "About three to five months." Fiona responded. "Ok you may leave now. Good luck at training all of you." I said trying to keep the worry out of my voice. Kathryn and Shadowfang trusted me with this one responsibility, take care of our group. Protect them at all costs. I don't know what we can do without Eleanor's team though! There are four of them and that takes a big chunk out of our group.

"You know... there is one more option Shadowstalker." I immediately realised what Shadowfang meant and turned to Caroline. "Hey Caroline. Can I talk to you for one moment in private please?" She nodded. Caroline has seen Shadowfang and Kathryn but we have never actually met each other face to face. I led her out of the room and asked "Do you remember the animal shelter that you and Kathryn used to run when you were little kids?" "Ya why?" "Well... Kathryn never abandoned it. She expanded it and even bought more property for it. we currently have over 50 animals living there." Caroline seemed surprised so I continued "Kathryn has trained attack animals in there. Do you think that we could use those animals for battle or not?" Caroline thought about it for a moment before replying, "We don't really have a choice. With Eleanor and her team gone we are going to need something or someone to fill the gap." I nodded. "shall we go then?" "Yes we shall" Caroline replied.

Time skip

When we arrived I immediately felt at home. All five of our doberman pinschers came running up barking happily and wagging their stub like tails. Running up behind them was my two french mastiffs that, although drooly, are one of my best breeding pairs. Next to them was my large, black, great dane and last but not least was my german sheppard. It's been a long time since I've visited so it's not surprising that they were excited to see us again. Then I saw the shadows of two of my hunting birds in the sky. I looked up and saw my hawk and my osprey circling up above. I held out my arm and the hawk dived down and landed on it happily rubbing its beak on my face as a hello.

"Any OTHER animals that I should know about before they scare me half to death?!" Caroline yelled at me. "One, you already knew Bernie. We got him when he was a baby but now he's a lot bigger. Two, no. The only other new animals are harmless and/ or really cute." She let out a sigh of relief. "So, what animals do you think we should use?" Caroline thought and then responded, "We should definitely use the attack dogs. The snake, Bernie, would be good too. Your birds won't be of much help because it's indoors but maybe the wolves? I'm not sure how well you have done with their training yet." "Well I finished training about half of them but half will be plenty so I'll go grab them." I sighed and reluctantly said "Kathryn. Time to get up." I received a groan in response in my mind and then she mumbled something that sounded like "Five more minutes Stalker. I want to sleep." I groaned. This was always difficult. Kathryn did not like to be woken up. I forcefully took away my control making Kathryn take control causing her to become aware and awake enough to stop herself from falling to the ground.

Kathryn's POV

I managed to wake up just enough to stop myself from falling to the ground. I growled and then saw where we were and my mood completely changed. "Hey Caroline?" She looked at me as I pulled off my hood and mask revealing my now light brown hair and purple eyes. "Ya?" she responded. "Do you want to come with me to my dog and house pet section?" She eagerly nodded and I grabbed her hand and began to run towards the house that was on the property, dragging Caroline behind me. Once we reached the house I let go of her wrist and pulled out a key from under a rock near the door. I put it into the keyhole and unlocked it. I honestly don't know why I lock it. Most of the windows are broken so any of the animals can get out.

"Ok everyone! Off." They all followed my command and then rushed to say hi to Caroline as well. I walked around saying hi to my many kittens and cats as well as my lizards. Then I reached out my hand and gently traced over the edge of a table only to have something small slither up it. I looked down and saw that my black and white snake had slithered up my arm and was now coiled around it. I smiled and picked up my small green snake with my other hand. He twirled and twisted around my fingers happily before settling down in my palm.

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