Chapter 4

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It had been three days since the incident with  Masky and hoodie

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It had been three days since the incident with Masky and hoodie. Chloe had just barely recovered before Shadow Stalker had announced that she had to go take care of some business. Since then she hadn't returned but no one really worried about it because she could disappear for weeks at a time before coming back.

~Megan's POV. BTW~

I practically jumped down the stairs with my excitement. It was finally my week to kill! (ya we have killing schedules so don't judge us!) I bounded over to the door dressed in a black hoodie, jeans, and my trademark lock necklace. After all, I am known as Locket to normal people! When I got to the door I slipped on my black hiking boots and was about to leave when I remembered my weapon! I ran back to the weapon room and grabbed a fistful of knives, my whip, and my chains. After that I ran out the door yelling goodbye to everyone inside.

I silently sipped out of the meadow that our house was located in and began my long walk to civilization. It has been almost a month since it was my turn to kill so I was so going to enjoy this. Little did I know that I had someone silently following me.

~Time skip~

I was finally nearing the town that I had targeted people in when I heard a rustling in the bushes. Normally I would just shrug it off and keep going but ever since Chloe's incident Shadow Stalker told us to be on our guard so I silently approached where the sound came from. As I neared I could faintly hear someone's breathing so I pulled out my whip and a knife. I was right in front of the bush when someone jumped out at me.

He immediately had tackled me to the ground and I could feel the cool metal of a knife against my throat. I looked up at his face. That beautiful face. He had no eyelids and the area around his eyes was black so Megan easily assumed that they had been burned off. His skin appeared to be bleached white. The strangest part of his face was his smile. It was carved into his face so that he had a permanent smile even when he frowned. Megan couldn't help but stare in shock and wonder. Her only thought was Damn he's hot! Wait what am I thinking?! He is trying to kill me! Ugg! I hate my mind sometimes! He is cute though. Wait what!? Bad Megan! Bad! Oh whatever, I guess that I'll get out of this situation first.

Megan stared up at the boy's face for a moment. He seemed disappointed. I wonder why? "What's wrong with you?" Megan asked. "Why are you not screaming?" The boy's question was sudden and Megan just stared up at him in confusion. Screaming? Why would she be screaming? Megan was Locket. The most feared psycho killer around, other than her friends of course. "Uhh... Do you know who I am?" Megan asked "No and I don't care because I think that it is time for you to Go. To. Sleep!" Megan's movement was sudden.

One moment she was pinned down and the next, she had disarmed the boy and had his own knife pressed against his throat. "Since you seem completely stupid I guess that I will just have to tell you who I am." Megan began "I am Locket." "Hmmm.. I have never heard of you but you may have heard of me!" the boy said cheerfully, as if there wasn't a knife at his throat. "Ok then. Who are you?" Megan asked out of curiosity. "I am Jeff. Jeff the killer!" the boy said while taking off his hoodie's hood. He had black hair that was shoulder length.

Again thoughts of how cute he was ran through Megan's head before she shook them off. "Oh.. I guess that I don't get out much because I have never heard of you. Jeff." Megan said testing out the name. "Well I kind of guessed that because most people can't and won't dare to put a knife to my throat. Hehehe." Jeff said starting to chuckle. "What's so funny?" Megan asked confused by his strange outburst. Just then he burst out laughing like a psychopath. "Ooookay? Well goodbye" Megan said preparing to strike the killing blow when suddenly she heard static in her ears. She may not get out much but she had heard of Slenderman and what he can do. She immediately pulled away from him and started to run, taking his knife with her.

She called back to him saying, "We can finish our little chat later when we are alone!" With that she turned back around and continued running. Just then Jeff must have received orders from Slenderman or something because now he was following me. Just great! First I hear static from slenderman and now he is following me! This can't be a coincidence. Oh well, I guess that I have to keep running and not look back. Maybe I can loose him in town! I am heading there anyways.

Then Megan felt something wrap around her ankle. She looked down to see a black tentacle wrapped around it. Then she heard the static. Before she could react she heard a loud voice in her head saying "Where do you think you are going child?" She knew that it was Slenderman and she tried to break free from his grip but then she felt herself starting to pass out. Oh no. was her last thought before everything went black.

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