Chapter 15

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Kathryn's POV :)

I looked at myself in the mirror. Only, it wasn't just any mirror. It was an enchanted one. I allows me to see both shadowfang and Shadowstalker. I evaluated my appearance real quick and for just a moment my eyes lingered on the silver necklace with a golden coin attached to it. I still remembered my old friend Caroline, otherwise known as Divine Judgement. I never told anyone about her though. I didn't even write it in my notebook. For some reason, after my soul bonded with Shadowfang and Shadowstalker, I lost track of Caroline and now that I have to look after everyone else, I don't have the time to search for her. I tucked the necklace underneath my shirt and put on my crescent moon necklace. I was currently dressed in some jeans and a plain purple v-neck t-shirt with a black hoodie over it. Today I needed to go into town and get some necessary things and food (mostly waffles) for everyone. I opened my dresser and pulled out some money before turning and leaving my room. I walked down the halls and yelled to the girls "Hey! I'm going to the store. Anyone need anything?" I heard, "Candy!" "Waffles!" "New games!" before I sighed and muttered "I wish I never asked." and I walked out the door.

Time skip!

I was currently riding through the forest on a horse. Yes, a horse. Her name is Midnight and I have had her for about three years. She has become my favorite form of transportation because she is incredibly fast. Not to mention, she is quite powerful too. I was grateful for the help because of all the bags and stuff.

As we were walking through the forest I suddenly noticed that the necklace Caroline gave me was glowing! I pulled it out and stared at it. The only other time I had ever seen it glow was when it was near Caroline's coin. That's how she keeps track of everyone she gives a coin to. Then I heard a few wing beats and a thud behind me. I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. "Hello Caroline. Long time no see." I could tell that she was smiling without even looking at her. I turned my head and saw that she had gotten older just like me. She wore a black mask which I had never seen before so I figured that it was new. Her wings looked the same only bigger and she wore some armor and carried a variety of weapons. I smiled and said "So where's the reaper?"

Caroline looked surprised. I guess that she didn't know that I can feel other's presences now that I have Shadowfang and Shadowstalker with me. "I'm right here." I heard a female's voice call from a tree behind Caroline. Then a figure jumped down in front of me. She had pale skin and black wavy hair. She also had large demon wings and had on a blue and purple shirt along with jeans. I sized her up as she sized me up. Then she huffed and said angrily, "I thought she'd be taller." I glared at her and Shadowfang took over forcefully. "Oh ya? I thought that you'd be stronger, HALF reaper." Now it was her turn to glare at us but we didn't back down and instead jumped off of Midnight and walked up to her.

The reaper was about the same height as us which was pretty short for a reaper. Usually they are at least 6 feet tall. Together we locked our red glowing eyes onto her grey ones causing her to back up in fear. "Hmmm... Scared are you? I thought that reapers were fearless. Or maybe that only goes for purebreed reapers." My eyes were glowing quite strongly now and in the back of Shadowfang's control, Shadowstalker and I were screaming at her to get in control. Of course she didn't listen. "Okay Kathryn. That's enough!" I heard Caroline yell at Shadowfang. Shadowfang turned to Caroline and couldn't recognise her because she had never seen her before.

"Who the F*** are you?" Caroline's eyes widened and then narrowed. She pulled out one of her katanas and charged at us. Shadowfang easily dodged but since we had no weapon she was at a disadvantage. I could feel that familiar anger rise up in me. Only this time, instead of being scared, I embraced it. The darkness spread out along my entire mind and I pulled Shadowfang back from control, taking back over in the process. My eyes shifted from blood red and glowing, to my normal blue green color. When I get mad they turn purple though. All three of us have a special eye color for each of our main emotions.

I groaned and held my head as I somehow managed to dissolve the darkness back into nothingness. When I opened my eyes I saw what Shadowfang had done. Caroline was bleeding from multiple minor cuts on her body in the form of claws, Erin was crying and shaking in fear against a tree, and I was bleeding from a major cut on my left shoulder, probably from Caroline's sword. I rushed over to Caroline and looked into her eyes. She could tell what happened. I could see it in her eyes. She understood because she was the only person other than Emma who knew about the other two.

"I... I'm sorry Caroline. I didn't mean to. I just lost control and... Well you know what happened." She gave me a sisterly hug and said "I know. Come on, we should get you home before you bleed to death." I looked down at my arm and realised that the stinging pain I had been feeling was the wound losing blood. I looked back to Caroline and nodded in reply before whistling to Midnight to come back.

When she came I used the stirrups and hopped on her and gestured to the reaper and asked, "What should I do about her?" Caroline shrugged. "How should I know!? It's not like we're friends. She just kind of follows me around reaping souls and stuff." "Okay then... I guess that we can just leave her here then." I replied. I gave Midnight a soft nudge in the side and she started walking again. Caroline walked next to us and then took to the air when me and Midnight went faster. I lowered my hands and centered my balance as I went into two point (half seat) position just before Midnight jumped over a large fallen tree. Once we were over it I sat back down fully and checked her saddle bags to be sure that we didn't lose anything.

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