Chapter 16

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Emma's POV

After Kathryn came back bleeding heavily and brought back a complete stranger, we were completely shocked. After Kathryn got herself and the other girl healed and stitched up, she came down and introduced her as Caroline a.k.a. Divine Judgement. Apparently the two of them were old friends or something. Later on another girl stopped by. She was half reaper half human and all crybaby at first. I almost threw my hatchet at her head when we first met just to shut her up! It took some convincing but eventually Kathryn agreed to let Erin stay. After that Kathryn said that it was my turn to go on perimeter patrol. I swear, sometimes we act just like soldiers.

Suddenly I heard a loud 'snap' from behind me and I whirled around only to come face to face with the one and only, Ticci Toby. I snarled and immediately backed away while drawing my sword out of it's sheath. I got in attack position. This is what Kathryn trained me for. This was my entire purpose in my career as a hunter. Today I WILL kill Ticci Toby and finally get my revenge! My ice magic chilled the air and ice ran along the blade of my sword. However, instead of making it weaker, it made it stronger. You see, my sword is very special. Kathryn made it from a blue crystal. It glows in the dark and coincides with my ice magic. When I use my sword with my magic it makes it more deadly than ever. One cut can cause major frostbite along the area where it struck.

Right before I charged though, I noticed something. Tooby wasn't attacking. Why isn't he attacking?! So, there we stood. Me in battle position and him standing casually just... staring at me. To be honest it was kind of creepy. Then he reached up and pulled down his mouthguard and took off his goggles.
I gasped and accidentally dropped my sword. It was Toby! My old friend Toby! I was to shocked to do anything at first. Then he spoke, "H-Hey Emma. It's m-me, T-Toby. Y-You're T-Toby." I suddenly remembered that he killed my brother and my shocked state was quickly turned into one completely of rage.

I stood back up and glared at him. He didn't seem to notice though because he talked again. "D-do you remember me? Of c-course y-you do! A-and you l-love me right? I remember-when we w-were kids and I l-loved you! I s-still do s y-you still love m-me right? Right!?" By now Toby was shaking and twitching wildly and I couldn't tell exactly what emotion he was feeling. It didn't matter though. It didn't matter if he was my old friend and old crush, he still killed Jack. And now he's going to pay for it! I created a new sword from ice and said to him in a low, threatening voice "You killed Jack! How on heaven and earth do you think that I could still care about you at all! And you even dare to think that I could love you after that! I knew you went crazy but now I'm convinced that you have completely gone off the edge!" Toby looked shocked. I don't know how he expected me to react but he's got to be pretty stupid to think that I could still love him after he killed Jack.

Toby's POV

"You killed Jack! How on heaven and earth do you think that I could still care about you at all! And you even dare to think that I could love you after that! I knew you went crazy but now I'm convinced that you have completely gone off the edge!" Emma practically screamed at me. I was shocked. She... didn't love me back? No no no, she has to love me! I looked back over at her and saw that frozen tears were sliding down her cheeks. She was clutching her ice sword tightly and was glaring at me. She wiped away her tears and stormed up to me. Instead of stabbing me though, she moved her leg slightly and the kneed me right in between the legs. It didn't hurt of course so I just sighed and said to her, "You know that didn't hurt right?" She growled and angrily said, "I know but it made me feel better!" and she raised her sword.

I instinctively pulled out one of my hatchets and blocked the blow that she tried to hit me with. She swung again and I could see that she really was furious at me. I guess that I'll have to use plan B. I dodged another one of Emma's swings and managed to get behind her. I grabbed her by the waist and put my hatchet at her throat. "D-drop. Your. Sword." I said and pressed the blade of my hatchet slightly into her neck causing a small trickle of freezing cold blood to drip down.

Emma let go of her sword and it shattered against the ground. I smiled and took away my hatchet from her neck. Before she could react though, I smashed the other side (non sharp side) of it into the side of her head, knocking her out cold. I caught her limp body and slung her over my shoulder. I put away my hatchet and began walking back to the mansion. Hopefully Slenderman will let me keep her. He did lose Emma's friend so maybe he'll be looking for a new proxy.

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