Chapter 12

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Emma's POV

"Hey I was wondering Kathryn, can I talk to Shadow Stalker?" She froze and then looked at me wide eyes before looking down at the ground seemingly in deep thought before slowly nodding. She looked me in the eye and I saw her eyes both turn a lavender shade of purple. Her hair also changed. It went from being light brown to white fading into black at the ends. She smiled kindly showing that she had wickedly sharp canine teeth. Her skin also became very pale and her nails looked more talon like. I gawked at her and she just kept smiling, letting me take all of that in.

"W-what are you Shadow Stalker?" I asked in awe. "I'm technically a vampire since you so kindly asked, and by the way, I'm not going to drink your blood if that's what you're wondering." I sighed in relief then decided to ask what I had originally wanted to ask her. "Shadow Stalker? Do you know how you were created?" She thought for a moment before answering, "I actually wasn't created and neither was Shadowfang. We have always been part of Kathryn, it's just that when she snapped, it allowed us to separate from her and become separate consciousness." I nodded then asked, "can Kathryn hear what we are saying?"

"No." she answered almost immediately. "When either me or Shadowfang takes over, she seems to go into a sleep like state in her mind. I don't quite know why, that's why she can stay as us for a long time." "Okay. I was just wondering" I replied. "Bye Shadow Stalker." "bye" I then walked out of her room and down the hall to mine.

Kathryn's POV

Something was chasing me. I didn't know what, but something was chasing me. I was wearing a once white wedding dress that was now practically torn to shreds and parts of it were covered in ashes from the fire that was blazing in the forest I was running through. I was already bleeding from multiple wounds but somehow I kept running.

Whatever was chasing me was so large that the ground shook slightly whenever it stepped causing me to trip occasionally. Finally I dared to look back and saw that it was a giant black wolf with glowing red eyes that was a little bit larger than a grizzly bear. It was terrifying and I don't exactly get scared really easily. Each of it's paws were larger than my head and had wickedly sharp claws on them. It's teeth were long and sharp and were dripping with fresh blood.

Suddenly I ran into a large boulder. I turned around only to see the wolf creature right in front of me, leaving me no escape.. I noticed now that the wolf was actually made of shadows seemingly molded together into a solid form. It's eyes were glowing blood red as it stared at me. It's then put both of it's front paws on either side of my head leaving me no escape. I stared into its red eyes as it brought it's huge jaw closer to me and the lunged, sinking it's large teeth into my flesh while sending pain throughout my whole body.

I opened my eyes and jumped up in bed. I frantically looked around my room for the creature in my nightmare but to my relief it wasn't there. I looked down at myself and saw that I was wearing the same clothes I had on yesterday. I examined myself and saw no sign of injury. "Thank god it was just a dream." I thought to myself. I looked over at my clock and saw that it was only midnight, the time I usually go to bed. "Kathryn! Are you ok? What was that!? How did you take over like that? i've never seen you do that before!" I froze. " I... Took over? But how?! I've, that-that's never happened before! It must have been because of my nightmare." "Ok, well try to go get some sleep. I'm tired so goodnight Kathryn" Shadow stalker said to me. "Goodnight."

Time skip to morning time!~

I groaned when I heard someone knocking on my door. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night because of my previous nightmare. Most of the time the girls don't even have to knock on my door because I'm already up but today I was just too tired. "Kathryn? You ok in there? Usually you're up by now. Are ya sick or something?" It was Chloe. I groaned again and sat up. "N-No! I'm fine! I'll be down in a minute!" I usually don't stutter at all but I was so tired and i didn't know what shape I was in right now so I figured that it was for the best. I Slowly stood up and stretched before walking over to my mirror.

I gasped. I looked awful! My hair was messy and knotted, my eyes were dull instead of their usual bright shine, and I also had dark bags under them. I looked at my face and saw that there was my scars on my right eye. I usually hide them so the girls don't know about them. I got those scars when I, well, actually Shadowfang, got in a fight with another werewolf and he scratched my face up a little. I rushed over to my desk and found a hair tie there. I put my hair into a messy low ponytail and then opened the bottom drawer of my desk and took out my makeup. I put my coverup on over my scars and put some other stuff on the dark bags under my eyes so that I looked mostly normal.

My skin looked really pale still but i couldn't do anything about that right now. I ran into my closet and slipped into a black t-shirt and some jean shorts. After that, I ran to my door and down the stairs. Almost everyone was already down there eating quietly, whispering to each other. Of course I could hear them anyways so I listened in on Emma and Chloe. "What do you think was wrong Chloe? I mean, Kathryn very rarely sleeps in and she NEVER stutters!" Emma said worriedly, "I don't know Emma. It was really weird to me too. I'm wondering if she's like sick or something." Chloe replied. I slowly walked in and everyone stopped and looked at me but didn't say anything. I sighed and sat down to eat. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop and the only sounds was everyone eating.

Time skip~

After breakfast I went up into the bathroom and took a shower to wash out my hair I would have to reapply my coverup make up to my scars again but hopefully the warm water would make the bags under my eyes go away and it would give me some color instead of being so pale.

After my shower I changed into some new clothes and fixed my hair and makeup. Then I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. I layed on my bed and thought about that creature in my dreams. I knew that I would never forget a dream like that but just in case, I reached under my bed and felt a small hole in my boxspring part of it and then I felt around in that hole until my hand felt the cover of a book. I pulled it out revealing a red hardcover sketchbook that I used to record my strangest dreams. I opened it to a new page and started writing out the dream in as many details as I could and then on the page next to it, I drew the creature. Even in a drawing it sent shivers down my spine and I don't know why it seems so scary! I just sighed and layed in bed. Tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better... I fell asleep.

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