I sat up in my room admiring the new bow and arrow set that Kathryn had given me for Christmas. I ran my fingers along it and smiled as my ice ran along it in beautiful patterns. It was a special bow. Kathryn had gotten Shadow Stalker to enchant it so that it works with my ice powers. The arrows were the same. Under the tree had also been my sword. Later on Kathryn explained that she had found it in the woods and wanted to give it back. Suddenly my room's temperature dropped. I looked up and saw Jack smiling down at me. He wrapped his arms around me in a sibling hug. I smiled and hugged back. When we pulled away Jack examined my new weapon and asked "Did Kathryn give this to you?" I nodded. "Cool. Sooo... uh, how's life?" He asked with a small smile on his face. "Well apart from being kidnapped by the boy who killed you,I'm doing great." I said.
Jack suddenly turned to me with a look of concern and asked "Did he do anything to you? I swear if he even dared to lay a finger on you I'll-" "He didn't do anything Jack." I cut him off. He let out a breath of relief and said "Ok that's good. But I'm going to kill him if he ever so much as looks at you again." I chuckled slightly. Jack was always protective just like any big brother and I guess that that hasn't changed. Then I frowned. "Hey Jack? There's... something I need to ask some advice about." Jack noticed my seriousness and said "Ok what is it?"
"Well when I was younger I knew this... boy. He was really nice and I really liked him. Then his sister died. He became more distant and then one day everyone said that he died in a fire. It turns out he didn't but... well, he's different. He's done horrible things and-" My voice cracked slightly as a few tears ran down my cheek. "and I'm afraid to know if I still like him or not. I keep denying it but deep down I still question myself." Jack walked up behind me and hugged me. "Shh sis. Please don't cry. Listen. If deep down you feel that you like him then maybe you should forgive him for whatever he's done. Sometimes all people need is a second chance. I have to leave. My time is up. Please think about what I said. If you don't stop denying your true feelings all you'll be doing is hurting yourself." With that, Jack faded away. Sometimes people just need a second chance. I sat on the floor and cried as those words kept repeating in my head.
Then I heard a few knocks on my door. "Emma? You in there?" It was Shadow Stalker. I could tell. I wiped away my tears and replied "Y-Ya. I'm in here." Shadow Stalker opened the door and looked at me with concern. "Are you ok?" I wanted to say yes. I didn't want to make her feel pity and get sucked into my drama but I couldn't help but tell her the truth. She felt like family to me. "No. I don't know whether or not to forgive Toby." She frowned and sat down next to me. "I can't help you with that. Even if I did, it's still your decision not mine. You have to decide whether or not to forgive him." I nodded. Shadow Stalker pulled down the hood of her cloak and took off her mask revealing her white and black hair and her kind blue eyes.
She sighed. "Listen, Emma. There's... something I need to tell you. You see I'm actually-" "Kathryn! Incoming attack from Zalgo!" Megan burst through my door as she yelled that. "O-Oh! Shadow Stalker! I didn't know that... you were here." Megan said as she stared at Shadow Stalker. Stalker quickly pulled up her hood and put her mask back on as she stood up. "How many soldiers?" She questioned seriously. "Oh, uhh... we think about twenty monstrosities and maybe a few CPs but we're hoping that we're wrong about that last part." Megan said quickly before running out yelling something about getting ready. Shadow Stalker turned to me and held out her hand to help me up. I took it and she easily pulled me to my feet. "We'll have to continue our chat later. Get ready and meet everyone downstairs." Shadow Stalker said as she turned and calmly left the room, closing my door behind her.
Once I was dressed I grabbed my master sword and my lighter, but less powerful, fencing sword for quicker uses such as duels. This isn't the first time that we've fought with Zalgo's forces but usually he doesn't just attack us for no reason. We'll be okay though. Most of the time Zalgo's forces are easy to defeat. He has the numbers but not the power. I put both of my swords in their sheaths and ran downstairs. The others were all assembled there and were wearing outfits that were meant for battles like mine. (just so you know Eleanor, Alison, Aria, and Fiona are gone) Shadow Stalker walked to the door and we followed her outside. "Ok. Spread out and take on as many monsters and dark soldiers as you can handle. I'll be moving around so if any of you encounter trouble, don't be afraid to give me a shout. I'm going to try to find their commander. Most likely he or she will be a CP so if you see one, tell me and engage at once. the sooner we take out the commander, the sooner we can be done. DISMISSED!" Shadow Stalker said and we all ran in different directions.
The two girls closest to me are Megan, on my right, and Caroline, on my left. I could see the large group of creatures and shadow like people. They were most definitely from Zalgo's realm. However, as I neared them I realized that there was a lot more than usual. Zalgo must really be trying to get rid of us this time. I pulled out my Master sword and lit it up in ice. This is gonna be harder than we expected.

A Phsycopath's Love
ActionSo, I actually wrote this book starting in seventh grade and finished it in eighth grade but my friends really liked it so I am putting it here on wattpad. Hope you guys enjoy!