Chapter 14

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Divine Judgement (Caroline's) POV

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Divine Judgement (Caroline's) POV

I released a sigh as I landed heavily on the balcony of the hotel that Me and my friend, Erin, have been staying at. I pulled out a key and unlocked the door. I folded in my large blue angel wings and walked inside. Erin was laying down on her bed with her black and red demon wings spread out in a comfortable position. Maybe I should explain a few things first. My name is Caroline and I am a special type of fallen angel. I am something called a judgement giver, and I am the last of my kind.

The judgment givers were once a proud race of angels that would deal out judgement to those whose souls were tainted or completely turned evil. It was our job to then judge those people and decide if they go up, or down when they die. Unfortunately though, some of us began to turn ourselves. Some began to kill those that they felt were too evil to let live and that wasn't our job. Those angels were eventually destroyed along with everyone else but me. When I was only seven I was hidden away from the other angels by my parents. They left me in charge of a little boy who they said was my human little brother.

I raised that boy for two years and we grew very close. To him I was his guardian angel big sister. To me he was my sweet little brother who I needed to protect. Then, one day, he got deathly sick. I found out that it was an incurable disease that would most likely kill him. I stayed with him until the very end though and when he died, I guess that I just... snapped. At the time I was only ten years old. as usual, I had pure white angel wings. However, when born angels reach a certain stage in their life where they make the choice to either be good or bad, their wings gain a special color that would depend on their personality and if they were good or bad.

My wings turned a slightly dark shade of blue mixed with lighter shade of blue. It was a color unseen before by any other angel. Most fallen angels have either black or an extremely dark shade of some color wings, mine was a mixture of both light and dark. I looked it up in an old library and saw that my wings were like this because I was a judgment angel. A new breed of judgment angel. A breed of angel who delivers not just death but also new life. I literally had the power to turn someone's life around if I saw enough potential good in them.

For a few months I dealt judgement to many people. I didn't kill all evil people that I met though, some of them I simply punished, others I did end up killing though. After about my fifth month of being a judgement angel I came across someone unlike any other. She was a girl about my age who lived a terrible life. Her parents beat her and at school she was bullied. Her name was Kathryn Coffin and she was, and still is, the strangest human that I have ever met. We actually became best friends.

Even as a child Kathryn was a weapons genius! She had so many ideas and potential techniques for weapons! That wasn't the only thing that separated her from others though. Her soul was so strange. It was cracked, as if it was just waiting to be broken apart, and that would cause her to die if it did. She always also had on this strange necklace with two identically cut crystals. One was shades of red while the other was blues and partially white.

One day we were just hanging out at an old barn where we kept abandoned animals (Something we had been doing practically since we met) and I decided to give her one of my special angel judgement coins. I grabbed a coin out of the pouch that I kept tied to my waist and examined it. It was a seemingly simple gold coin with silver details on it. I grabbed a small piece of rope and made it so that I was about the size of a necklace. I then used my angel powers to turn that rope from regular rope, into a silver necklace and carefully attached the coin to it. When I was done with it, I gave it to Kathryn and made her promise to always keep it with her. She of course agreed and wore it every day.

Then eventually she snapped. I was unable to do anything but watch. I waited for her to die as I saw her soul break into three pieces. But then, she didn't die. Her other necklace started to glow and the two crystals somehow transferred two souls to replace the missing parts of Kathryn's original soul. After it was done the necklace and the crystals shattered and Kathryn killed everyone. That day though, something happened to me as well. I became more blood thirsty. I stopped for the most part giving out punishments and instead killed those who were evil. I was still nice to the good souls though. I would never harm an innocent. Not even if my life depended on it.

About a year or two later, I met Erin. She is a half human, half grim reaper/demon (which would explain the wings). She uses a scythe as a weapon and kills evil souls just like I do. Because Kathryn was a weapons genius, I actually got my weapons from her. I currently have two katanas, two pistols, a rifle (specially made by Kathryn), about five knives in different sizes, and a few bombs that I learned how to make. I use my coins for judgment. They are special angel coins and my pouch can never run out of them. When I flip it up into the air it has two sides to it. One side is the good side meaning that I will spare that person, the other side is the bad side meaning that I will kill them. Whichever side of the coin is facing up when it lands is that person's divine judgment. The coins are kind of like a quarter which has a head and tails only my coins have wings and skulls.

(Back to the present)

I looked at Erin for a moment and saw that she was fast asleep and was snoring softly. I Checked both doors and made sure that they were locked before going into the bathroom. I pulled out a coin from my pouch. I had just remembered Kathryn's promise and if she kept if, that means that I might have a chance of finding her. I grabbed the coin that I always wear around my neck and pulled it off. If you examined it then you would notice that mine was exactly identical to Kathryn's coin. I made it like that for a reason.

I turned on the sink and used my powers to gather some water into a little bubble resembling formation. I then placed the coin in it and began to search throughout all of the people who I have ever met and given a coin. That''s actually a lot of people because those that I let live, I give a coin for their troubles. Suddenly in my vision I saw a girl about fifteen years old (Emma's 16 almost 17, same with almost everyone else I'm the youngest) She looked surprisingly similar to Kathryn so I examined her soul and sure enough found that it was Kathryn! I was so happy now! I memorized the location and stopped using my powers. Tomorrow I will go see my old friends. I just hope that she remembers me. She was wearing her necklace at least though so maybe she does.

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