Chapter 18

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Emma's POV

I groaned as I slowly regained my consciousness. Man, my head hurt really bad. I tried to reach up and touch it but my arms were held back by something. I realised that my arms were tied behind my back. I growled and began to freeze the ropes before breaking out of them. I looked around the room I was in. It was clearly Toby's. It consisted of a messy bed, a dresser, a closet, and a few other assorted things. A picture on his wall caught my attention. I walked over to it and saw that it was of me and Toby when we were younger. I had my hair in two braids and I was smiling goofily. Toby was hugging me from the side and was also smiling with a silly expression on his face.

I touched the picture gently but the moment I came in contact with it, frost began to appear. Sometimes I wish that I had better control over my powers. I walked over to the door and tried the knob only to discover that it was locked. I sighed. Carefully I used my frost magic on the keyhole and unlocked it. I armed myself with two ice daggers and stepped out quietly into the hall. It seemed empty but I was still cautious. I looked down both ways of the hallway before going to the left. I followed it and came to a set of stairs. Unfortunately i could hear talking down there so I prepared for a fight.

I walked down the stairs and saw Slenderman talking with Toby and Jeff and BEN Playing games. Suddenly someone ran up to me and hugged my leg shouting, "Big sister Emma!" I looked down and saw Sally. I cocked my head to the side confused. Big sister? It must be a little kid thing. I gently pulled her off of me and looked up at Toby and saw him staring at me. Like a total creep! i growled softly and stalked over to him.

However before I could attack Slenderman wrapped his tentacles around my arms preventing me from fighting. I need to kill Toby! It is my purpose!


I was sleeping soundly until Jack ran into my room and startled me. I sat up and Jack said one thing to me. "Run!" Then a hatchet came down on his head crushing his skull. I screamed and frost spread out all over the room. I looked at the attacked and saw a man wearing a mouthguard and orange goggles. He had a hatchet in one of his hands and was staring at me in shock. I glared at him and my eyes began to glow. The ice was getting thicker and was now also outside of my room. The light blue in my hair was now my main hair color and it was blowing with the wind that suddenly came inside through a broken window.

I stood up and the man ran out of the house. I easily jumped out of my window and caught him though. He threw one of his hatchets at me and it struck my leg. I cried out because of the pain but then I felt incredible power and somehow levitated off the ground. By now my eyes were now almost blindingly glowing and suddenly sharp blades of ice were forming around me. It looked like a mini blizzard that was centered around myself. Then I pointed at him and directed everything that I had built up at him, sending it flying at him. However he didn't seem to be affected by the pain. He was badly injured though,, with heavily bleeding gashes all over himself. Before I could finish him off though, Slenderman showed up and teleported away.

End of flashback

I struggled violently in Slenderman's grip but then gave up. I went limp and he set me down but didn't completely let me go. "Miss Emma, if you will control yourself then I will release you." I growled under my breath but reluctantly noded. I pulled away from his tentacles and glared at both him and Toby. Mostly him though since he has tried to kill me like three freakin times now! The air around me was cold and I could see my breath. I calmed down my powers slightly and Toby walked over to me. I glared at him even more but he came over anyways. "E-Emma, please, stay. Y-you could become a proxy! L-like me!" I growled under my breath and then said to him in a threatening voice "Why on this earth would you even think that I would want to have anything in common with you! When the girls get here I'm going to make sure that we kill each and every CP in this goddam house!" Toby took a step back but then he seemed to get very angry. By now Slenderp had already left us. Toby glared at me and then turned his back and walked away leaving me to get out my anger on my own. I couldn't help it when I punched the wall leaving a huge dent and spreading ice out all over it.

If kathryn and the rest of the crew don't show up soon, I'm going to lose control. Suddenly I looked out the window and saw Shadowfang. She winked and I could see the girls behind her as well as a bunch of animals, most of them were wearing armor. I walked over to the window and it frosted up. She wrote something in the frost. Back away from the wall. I did as instructed and suddenly the wall exploded. I shielded myself with ice. When the dust cleared all of the girls were standing there and for a second I saw two spirits on either side of Shadowfang. One had a black cloak on that shaded her face and the other was Kathryn but under her eyes there was black dragon scales. Both of them were somewhat see through and had shadowy auras that were visible to my eyes. Suddenly they both merged back into Shadowfang and She blinked twice revealing blue eyes then purple eyes. The she blinked once more revealing her blood red eyes.

The animals all attacked the CPs creating a distraction. I ran over to the girls and they all hugged me but backed away because I was still cold to the touch. "Come on Emma, we need to move!" Shadowfang said and then she grabbed my arm and began to drag me knowing that I still wanted to fight. Oh well, I'll get him another day. "What about your pets Fang?" Megan ran up and asked. Kathryn shrugged. "They'll find their way back whenever they want. I've trained them all well."

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