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Eric felt a hand on his back, slowly creeping down to his neck, then a kiss on his shoulder.

"Wakey wakey"

He heard the voice that always shook him to the core. Morgan's.

He felt her body press against his back, her hands roam around it as she placed kisses on his shoulder and the back of his neck.

"Come on, it's going to be late and I'm hungry" she whispered on his ear.

Eric struggled to open his eyes, he felt so spent, tired. Still, he moved to lay on his side, Morgan slid from his back to lay in front of him. He snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, his face came to her neck and he inhaled deep. Home, that is what she smelled like.

"Babe, come on, we have to get ready" she placed her hand on his shoulder and pushed him. He looked up her her. Her blue eyes greeted him, she's smiled and leaned in to kiss him.

Eric enjoyed that kiss as if it was the last, and before he knew it he was moving his lips hungrily against hers, his hand fisted her hair as he moved to lay on top of her. Moving his other hand to the rim of her shirt, he pulled it to take it off. Morgan stopped him and took his hands away from her shirt

"No, come on let's go to work"

"No" he complained, his lips attached again to hers, moving down to her cheek and neck "let me make love to you"

"No, you already fucked me sore last night" she half complained, getting more and more turned on as Eric sneaked his hands below her and traveled to her panties.

"I need it" he whispered as he returned to her mouth, he kissed her again hungrily. Morgan involuntarily wrapped her legs around his waist, then she sat up.

"No come on, we'll have a quick one in the shower" Eric grunted in complaint, still he held her by her legs and stood up with her on his arms.

Morgan smiled as she was led to the bathroom, placing little kisses on his neck and shoulder.

When he got into the shower with Morgan, he didn't feel the need to fuck her, he just wanted to hold her.

Morgad was held against his body with the help of Eric's arms around her waist and back, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held his head against her neck.

Eric held her tighter, holding on to that moment for one more second, until it dawned on him that none of this was true, Morgan wasn't really here.

Eric closed his eyes tight and sighed

"Please don't leave me Morgan"

Morgan pulled back to look at him, cupping his face in her hands.

"You need to hold on tight for just a bit longer, I swear I'm doing everything I can to return"

Eric shook his head in denial and hung his head again over her shoulder, he held her against him, his fingertips digging on her back.

"You know that I love you" Morgan whispered on his ear while running her hand on his damp hair "you can do this, you're the head leader of dauntless. I promise I'm coming back"
Eric took a deep breath and straightened himself in the shower, his lips downed on Morgan's one more time.

He woke up in a jolt, alone in his bed.

Even in his dreams Morgan managed to lift him up one more time.

It had been another week since she was gone, Eric continued the testings, Jay had good footage to hopefully get Morgan out off Jeannine's target.

Once he showed the results, Jeannine wasn't impressed, instead, she insisted that a doctor had also pointed out that Morgan had something to do with his speedy recovery. They were talking in her office as the video surveillance continued to play on her computer.

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now