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Aleks was more excited than anyone to be back at dauntless, his home.

As soon as they closed in on the compound, Aleks just pointed at the big building and squeaked, looking at Morgan from Eric's arms.

As soon as they stepped into their home, Aleks wiggled to be put down and when he did, he ran towards his bedroom screaming happy.

Morgan and Eric let out a little laugh as they finally relaxed back at their home, back in dauntless.

Morgan walked to check on Aleks, when she got to the doorway, she rolled her eyes at Eric, who was right behind her, and waved at Aleks.

"All yours dad" she motioned at the bedroom. "I'll take a bath"

Eric nodded and walked a little step further into the bedroom. He looked to Aleks and how he was pulling out all of the toys.

"What the hell are you doing?" Eric asked, looking at Aleks from the doorway. Aleks looked up at him, the let out a little playful smile "you're going to put all that away when you're done right?"

Aleks looked down at the toys and sat on the floor taking one of the toys.

"Aleks" he called back, Aleks looked to him again "you'll clean up yes?" Aleks nodded

"Mommy?" He asked, Eric loved when Aleks called back at him or Morgan. He just loved Aleks, period.

"She's taking a bath"

Aleks quickly stood up and dashed out of the room. Bath with Morgan meant in the bathtub with bubbles, and Aleks loved bubbles.

Eric took to quick steps to him and swopped him off his feet, carrying him the other way.

"Leave your mom alone for a while, let's go out"

Aleks also loved going out, because everyone in dauntless stopped whatever they were doing to say hi to him and talk to him, trying to get him a few babbles.

Eric just let him down and followed him as he walked aimlessly around dauntless, he liked to watch Aleks waddle and look around, how he high fived everyone.

What Aleks didn't like was the Chasm. He always stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the running water ahead and Eric had tried to get him to walk through the rail by himself, The Chasm was a big part of Dauntless and Aleks shouldn't be afraid of anything, he was barely one year old, one year olds had no fear. Aleks didn't like it at all.

Once they closed in Aleks doubled back and ran a few feet back to Eric, who picked him up and crossed the sidewalk with him on his arms. Once on the other side, Aleks wiggled and was put down again.

Eric walked a few feet behind Aleks and watched as how he looked up and threw his hand up to the person who stood next to him.

Once the person bent over, he noticed it was Morgan, fresh out of her bath and back at it, with a paperclip below her arm and an ice cream cone on her hand.

Aleks tried to take it from her, but Morgan motioned that she would give him a spoonful. Eric could see Aleks' face light up at the flavour and leaned his hand back to take the cone. Morgan fought him off until he let out a little shriek of complain and Morgan reluctantly gave him the cone.

Eric smirked while Aleks walked away from Morgan, still eating the ice cream. He walked a few steps while Morgan stood up with a frown

"He stole my ice cream that little shit" she complained. Eric chuckled and held her by the waist, pulling her to his side.

"He stole you from me, so yeah, he's a little shit"

"He didn't stole me" she looked up at him with a little eye roll.

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now