Twenty Three.

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Morgan was the last to wake up, she stired in the bed while sighing. It was cold outside, nearing the end of the fall, it was one of those days to stay in bed covered in blankets and an occasional cup of hot cocoa.

She was about to do that, until responsibility hit her and she had to force herself out of bed.

The other side of the bed was empty. And when she put on her shoes she heard the door in the front opening and closing.

She walked out the bedroom and saw Eric taking his coffee from the tray and sitting down in the chair, the tray full of breakfast waiting for Morgan in front of another empty chair.

Morgan decided in that moment to say fuck it to everything, and let Eric take care of her and decide.

She walked out, looking at the tray and finding the dreamt of cup of hot cocoa. She smiled fully and took it, sitting down next to Eric.

He glanced at her and continued to read the report on his table.

"Hello to you too, or did we sleep together?" Morgan said.

"Technically" he replied and left the coffee on the table "Morgan ab-"

"No" she interrupted "don't say anything, don't apologize. Yes I think it was uncalled for that you went to erudite and to speak with the fucking devil. But I don't care" she shrugged her shoulder "I really don't. I just want to be calm. And to be calm, I need to stop doing what I usually do, which is over think shit. So, I'll do what you ask of me, and what you think it's best. If you don't want me to work I won't work, if you want me to not go to Erudite anymore I won't"

She finished, taking the cup again and looking at Eric, waiting for an answer. He just let his shoulders down and sighed. He left his cup and leaned in to place his hand over Morgan's stomach, drawing her close and hiding his face on her neck.

"I'm trying to take care of you two, OK?" He said.

"I know. And I know sometimes I can be a pain in the ass as well"

"And the little times when you are a pain, you are right about what you complain about" he said looking at her "I don't want to restrict you. But I want you safe too, and believe me, the things that she says to you are bound to start getting to you, whether you like it or not. They always get to you"

Morgan looked at Eric in the eyes. Christine had spoken some words to Eric, and she thought that the whole performance thing came from a long time ago. Maybe Eric was trying to convince himself that he didn't have to be perfect, but every time Christine came into picture, she shattered everything.

"I'll let you sugar coat me these next seven months, but I swear to god if she talks shit about you again in my presence she's done for"

Eric smiled, making Morgan lean in and kiss his lips slowly.

Eric's hands moved from her stomach to her thighs and turned again to finish his coffee. Morgan did the same with her gigantic breakfast.

"What did you do last night?" He asked casually. Morgan chuckled while sipping her cocoa.

"I beat ass in Doubt, Johan cooked me a steak because I missed dinner, and I got to hang out with Creed's girlfriend"

Eric hummed in acknowledgment.

"And how is she?"

"Creed is a boob person I realized, and she's actually pretty cool, she tells embarrassing stories about him. I laughed until my stomach hurt last night."

"I'm glad" he said. Morgan looked at him and smiled, leaning in to place her chin in his shoulder.

"It's getting cold, can I stay in bed all day?"

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now