Happy Holidays

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*I decided to skip along to Christmas Eve. Enjoy! Please help a sister out with her book by voting/commenting. I'll probably be done with this book in about 10 to 20 chapters. Not canceling it I'm just telling you guys where I wanna stop at. Anyway back to the story. *

Ray: C'mon Keke put the Star on already.

Keke: Don't rush me! I'm freakin scared of heights.

Prince: Why didn't you tell us?

Keke: I did the day we bought the tree. I said don't buy that thing it freaks me out.

Roc: Oh yeah.

Keke: Plus its my faith to fall off a ladder.

Prince: I'm gonna regret askin but why is falling off a ladder your faith?

Keke: My aunty fell off one, so did my grandma, and my cousin and if you haven't realized by now I'm super clumsy.

Ray: What? You? No way.

Prince: You're not that clumsy.

Roc: Yeah you are.

Keke: Thanks Roc. I can always count on you to be rude.

Roc: I'm sorry. Now put the stupid star on the tree.

Keke: Alright. *puts the star on the tree* Happy? *slips of ladder*

Ray: I got you. *catches her*

Keke: Wow! You're a great catch.  *jumps up*

Ray: You just realizing that?

Kira: What did I miss?

Prince: Ray and Keke flirtin too much.

Kira: Oh. Standard procedure.

Roc: Ray why don't you ask her out already?

Ray: She still into Jojo.

Keke: Eww no! Been there, dated him, and I don't wanna go back.

Ray: Mhm keep telling yourself that.

Keke: Ugh! You're unbelievable.

Kira: Imma gonna hang with Brooke for a while. Bye! *runs out*

Prince: C'mon Keke let's make Christmas cookies.

Keke: Okay.

Roc: C'mon Ray lets wait for those two to make lunch.


Prince: Do you?

Keke: Do I what?

Prince: Do you still have feelings for Jojo?

Keke: No way. I wish I never met him.

Prince: C'mon I know you aren't telling me something.

Keke: The last time we went out we was at Ihop and he left me in there to go flirt and make out with some skank.

Prince: That doesn't sound like the Jojo I know.

Keke: Believe it. There's more.

Prince: Wait stir the cookie dough if you're gonna be angry.

Keke: *starts stirring* That girl stood there and called me a thirsty Tasmanian devil.  *stirs faster* Then when I'm about to beat her tail he finna pull me back. *stirs faster* Then he finna think I'm blind and kiss some kiss she blew at him *slams bowl on the counter* and the girl needed some dern toothpaste that day. I felt the heat from her mouth and we was 4 freakin feet away from me.

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