I guess its official... wait. Is it?

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*Kira's Place*

Kira: Keke this was the worst and best night of my life!

Keke: Yeah met some new people and now we get to live with the group Mindless Behavior!

Kira: Shut up before my mom catches us.

Kira's Mom: Too little too late.

Girls: Uh... oh...

Kira's Mom: Yeah uh oh. Where were you two?

Kira: See what had happened was-

Kira's Mom: Oh Lord. Lemme stop you right quick. Keke what was you doing?

Keke: I was trying to help a friend.

Kira's Mom: That's it? How was you trying to help a friend this late at night?

Keke: Well-

Kira: She was trying to save me. I got so caught up in meeting a celebrity I really liked that I didn't see what was really going on. Keke was only trying to help me.

Kira's Mom: Let me guess. Mindless Behavior?

Kira: Yep.

Kira's Mom: Late night date?

Kira: Yep.

Kira's Mom: Got real crazy?

Kira: Yep.

Kira's Mom: You tried to warn her but she didn't listen?

Keke: Yep.

Kira's Mom: Did this in any way involve the cops?

Girls: *sighs* Yes ma'am.

Kira's Mom: Well the main thing is that you two are okay. And surprisingly you both came out with the truth. But, I have to still punish you two.

Kira: That's fair.

Kira's Mom: For you Kira no TV, no tablet, no phone for 2 weeks. As for Keke no phone for 2 weeks.

Keke: NOOO!!! *passes out dramatically on the couch and cries*

Kira: Girl you only lost your phone. I lost my phone, TV, and my tablet you lucky.

Keke: But my phone is my baby.

Kira's Mom: Time to let it go.

Keke: *pulls her phone out* I'll come back for you. Its only two weeks. We'll survive. I'll wake up really early for you. I'll-

Kira's Mom: Alright time's up. *snatches phone*

Keke: *screams* *falls to her knees and cries*

Kira: You are too much.

Keke: Have you met me?

Kira: Sadly yes.

Kira's Mom: Your turn.

Kira turns in all her electronics and her remote.

Kira's Mom: Now you two go get ready for bed.

Keke: Wait-

Kira: Girl now is not the time.

Keke: I got a plan trust me.

Kira: Girl please.

Keke: May I remind you that you not trusting me is what got us into this situation in the first place?

Kira: Please trust me and wait until the morning when she's in a better mood.

Keke: Fine but I'm gonna ask her eventually if you don't first.

Mindless Behavior Mister instead of a SisterWhere stories live. Discover now