Just came to say hello

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Last time

?????: Can I be on that demo?

Keke: Oh my God! You want to be on my demo?

Diggy: Yeah. I was kinda eavesdropping and I heard you sing. And may I say dang you can sang.

Keke: Thank you.

Diggy: It would be an honor to record with a future superstar while she still working on her way to the top.

Keke: There's a song I wrote that would be great for you.

Diggy: Awesome. When do we start?

Keke: This Saturday.

Diggy: Why not tomorrow?

Keke: I got school.

Diggy: A girl gettin her education. Respect.

Keke: Thanks. Bye Walter thanks for the opportunity.

Walter: No prob. See you soon.

*Keke exits into hall*

Keke: *checks time* *Oh no! I need to get to chuckee cheeses before I end up in a casket.* Prod where you at?

Prod: In here.

*Keke walks in to see the guys playing Just Dance 4*

Keke: Aye. I guess while I'm workin my way to the top I get to play video games all the time to right?

Ray: You work here now?

Keke: Yep. And I'm gonna be singing on y'all next album.

Roc: Congrats.

Prince: We are so proud of you.

Keke: Thanks for the support. Anyway Prod I need to go to chuckee cheeses can you take me?

Prod: Sure. But can I ask why you need to go?

Keke: Its where a kid can be a kid.

Roc: *kid voice* I wanna go.

Keke I'll call Cece and tell her to be there.

Roc: Wow if you didn't want me to go you didn't have to take it that far.

Keke: I'm sorry. Do you need a hug?

Roc: Yeah. *opens arms*

Keke: *hugs Roc*

Ray+Prince: What are we chopped liver?

Keke: Sorry. If you don't talk I don't know what to do.

Ray: Read our minds then.

Keke: I can't do that yet. *hugs Ray and Prince*

Prod: Oh ok everyone else gets a hug except me.*sniffles* I see how it is.

Keke: You already got your hug.

Prod: So what I can't get another one?

Keke: Give me a reason why.

Prod: Because I'm awesomer than everybody except you.

Keke: Good reason. *hugs Prod*

Ray: Sorry to interrupt the moment but we were wondering somethin.

Keke: What's up?

Roc: You said Kira likes Prodigy.

Keke: Yep and that she would kill me if she caught me with him.

Prince: So who did you like originally?

Keke: *Uh oh...* I liked everyone.

Ray: Yeah right I bet it was me.

Prince: More like me. Girls like this afro.

Keke: That reminds me. Can I touch it?

Prince: See told y'all.

Keke: I just wanna feel it.

Prince: Ok.

Keke: *touches prince's hair* Oh my God its like a cloud pillow.

Prince: I know right. *fluffs hair*

Prod: Ok Keke time to go.

Everyone-prodigy: Awwww.

Keke: We can hang out when I get out of school.

Boys: Ok.

*Prod and Keke leave*

Prod: Will you tell me who you originally liked?

Keke: Uh uh.

Prod: Please. I promise I won't tell anyone.

Keke: Promise?

Prod: Promise. Now tell me everythang.

Keke: Ghetto boy.

Prod: Its called bein mindless. Now stop stalling and tell me.

Keke: Kk. I used to like...

Driver: Hop in the meter is running.

*Prod and Keke get in the car*

Prod: You were saying.

Keke: Huh?

Prod: Who you originally liked?

Keke: Oh right. I liked Ray originally.

Prod: WHY?!?

Keke: Because when I watched you guys on YouTube he was the funny prankster fun loving kind of guy. Plus I loved tacos too.

Prod: What was I?

Keke: Mr. In the background always shy guy with the amazing talents.

Prod: Awww. That last part was beautiful. Am I that now since you met me?

Keke: Not really. I thought of you as...

Prod: *Please say Mr. Right.*

Keke: My Mr. Future.

Prod: What does that mean?

Keke: That we could have a future if...

Prod: If this...*kisses Keke*

Keke: *Kisses back*

*10 min later Prod & Keke still kissing*

Keke: *pulls away*

Prod: *whines* Why did you stop?

Keke: I needed air.

Driver: We're almost there.

Keke: Just drop me off here.

Prod: You sure?

Keke: Yeah I can walk.

Prod: Bye miss super star.

Keke: Bye.

*Keke gets out and walks to chuckee cheeses*

Prod: *She's so fine with that 0gorgeous face I could never forget. She's just so* Perfect.

Driver: I heard that sir.

Prod: Sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud.

Driver: Let me say something. If you want her to be yours you have to man up and ask her out already. She obviously likes you or she wouldn't have kissed you like that.

Prod: You're right T. You are so right.

Driver: I've never been wrong.

Mindless Behavior Mister instead of a SisterWhere stories live. Discover now