Back at the Hospital

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*At Hospital*

Doctor: Well I have good news and bad news. Good news is he remembers most of his memory. Bad news is we have to send him to Las Vegas to get that bump on his head checked out because I know bumps aren't supposed to be that big.

Everyone: -_- (at Ray)

Ray: In my defense I had a good reason to do it.

Doctor: Other than that he's good.

Keke: How long will he be out?

Doctor: Not long maybe 2. Maybe 3. Weeks.

Girls: *relieved*

Guys: Uh oh!

Girls: Why uh oh?


Doctor: Yeah but after all that we have to send him to jail.

Kira: He was just in the wrong places at the wrong time. He didn't deserve this.

Keke: Thanks for everything doc.

Doctor: Anytime.

Keke: Anyone else wanna go to Vegas?

Roc: May I ask is there another reason you want to go?

Anika: It's Vegas. Bright lights, money, and whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Plus I want a break.

Roc: You got a good point. I wanna go.

Prince&Ray: Us too.

Brooke: I wanna go too but, I gotta stay back and work plus my momma not gonna let me go to Vegas.

Prince: What good is Vegas if yo girl ain't there with you?

Brooke: Boo go. It wouldn't be fair for you to stay back because of me.

Prince: But-

Brooke: You would do the same of it were me.

Prince: Ok. I also promise I won't go crazy.

Everyone: Lie!

Alana: Everybody knows that the guy that says he's not gonna get crazy ends up being the first guy to go crazy.

Prince: I promise I'll try not to be that guy.

Anika: You heard him right. He said he was gonna try.

Brooke: I have faith in my boo. Unlike some people.

Girls: Whatever you say.

Again sorry this was so short but if more people would read then the chapters would be longer. If you did the math like I did then you'd realize only 24 people are reading this book. If I get:

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