What about me?

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*Jojo and Keke just had there 1 month anniversary*

Jojo: This was fun.

Keke: Yeah I know. Happy anniversary.

Jojo: Happy anniversary my lady. I wanna give you somethin. *hands her a small box* I've been saving and working overtime to get it for you.

Keke: *opens box* Oh my God!

*It was a locket with J+K engraved on it. And a pic of them on there first date*

Keke: Is this us on our first date?

Jojo: Yep. You looking all cute even if it was just for bowling.

Keke: Not my fault I choose to look flawless and you don't.

Jojo: Meanie.

Keke: I got you something too.

Jojo: Yay! What I got? What I got?

Keke: You know those Jordans you wanted?

Jojo: Yeah but they too expensive.

Keke: Not for me. *shows him Jordans*

Jojo: Thank you so much! You know I love you.

Keke: I love you too.

Jojo: Will you be mine forever?

Keke: If I don't I'll die.

Jojo: Then you will live forever.

Keke: You're funny. *phone beeps* Prod is coming home.

Jojo: Great. He touches her he dies.

Keke: Don't kill your brother.

Jojo: Can you read my mind?

Keke: Yes that's what happens when you love someone.

Jojo: I'm gonna have to love you less.

Keke: Remember if you do I'll die. Now c'mon we gotta pick up your brother.

Jojo: Why us?

Keke: Because your his brother and he's my... I really don't know that part.

Jojo: Good he's nothing.

Keke: Shut up and lets go.

At the prison....

Warden: Congrats cripple you survived.

Prod: Where's my ride at?

Warden: Your original ride can't make it so we called your brother & his girlfriend. (Kira was busy)

Prod: Okay. But when they gonna be here?

Warden: There they are. *points at them*

Prod: What... the fudge... is my brother... doin... with her?

Warden: Well don't just stand here. Go!

Keke: Hey Prod.

Prod: Hey Keke I missed you.

Keke: I didn't.

Jojo: Sup bro.

Prod: Whats happenin? *Does handshake*

Jojo: Enjoying the best thing that has ever came into my life. *points at Keke*

Keke: Awww. You do appreciate me.

Prod: I'm about to puke. Can we go?

Keke: Sure. Everybody is happy you're comin home.

Prod: Really? I thought I was gonna get jumped the day I got out.

Jojo: The day is young.

Keke: Shut up meanie.

Prod: You tell him.

Keke: Shut up Prod.

Prod: Did you get some sleep?

Keke: With yo brother no I didn't.

Jojo: Not my fault you...

Keke: Don't start with me.

Jojo: I think you need a nap.

Keke: Yeah I do. I'm sorry I fused you out.

Jojo: Its okay babe. *kisses Keke's cheek* I forgive you.

Prod: I know this boy did not just kiss her in front of me.

Keke: Night. *falls asleep*

Jojo: Bro can I ask you somethin?

Prod: What's up?

Jojo: Is Keke preggers or somethin?

Prod: No. if she was she'd be throwin up.

Jojo: Oh thanks.

Prod: What would you do if she was?

Jojo: I'd be happy, buy a lot of headache medicine, and be happy I'm a future dad.

Prod: Why medicine?

Jojo: Because she gonna be yellin so much for so long.

Prod: How you know?

Jojo: Because she yell at me anyway when she don't sleep.

Prod: Oh yeah.

*Awkward silence*

Jojo: I visited my nieces and nephews last week. They was so happy to see me. They love Keke too.

Prod: You took her to see my kids?

Jojo: She forced me. If I didn't she wouldn't kiss me for a week.

Prod: She was messin with you.

Jojo: Nuh uh. She said it all serious and gave me "the look".

Prod: Oh. How my kids doin?

Jojo: They all boney and need some new shoes.

Prod: Remind me to give them some McDonald's and some Jordans.

Jojo: You a good dad.

Keke: *sleep talking* Yay happy ending.

Prod: I wonder what she dreams about.

Jojo: I figured out a trick. *baby talk* Keke you love Jojo?

Keke: *sleep talk* He my baby daddy. He my hubby. He my lover.

Prod: What am I?

Keke: *sleep talk* Prod don't care. He never loved me. I was just one of his regular get-what-I-want-then-go girls.  Good thing I got Jo he cares bout me and wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

Jojo: Did she read yo mind or somethin?

Prod: I think so. But what did I-

Jojo: -_-

Prod: Never mind.

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