After party

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*Long funny story short the guys finally got Keke and Kira out the house and now they're at the club. Keke not havin fun and the guys are actin stupid, as usual, and Kira having fun too but she's actin a little to turned up. *

At the club

Kira: Hey Roc? You think they'll lemme dj?

Roc: Probably not.

*kiss kiss by Chris Brown comes on*

Kira: They lucky I like this song.

*While Kira is dancing she accidently backs up on ????*

Kira: Oh shoot I'm sorry.

????: Nah its okay. Kira is that you?

Kira: Justin?!?!? *hugs him*

Justin: So as usual you turned up in the club. I thought you'd be the bartender.

Kira: That's later in life.

Roc: *cough* Ahem. *cough*

Kira: Roc meet Justin. Justin this is my bro Roc.

Justin: *Holds out his fist* Sup?

Roc: What's going on? *dap* I have a strange feeling about this guy can feel it. Well I'll let you to get together and catch up I'll be over there getting something to eat.

Kira: Later Roc.

Long story short Justin and Kira had a great time and head back to Justin's place to catch up.


Roc is being his usual player self then accidently hits a waitress.

????: Well excuse you.

Roc: Sorry beautiful.

????: *turns away* I gotta get back to work. *storms away *

Roc: What was that all about?  Hey waitress! I wanna take my order.

????: If I didn't need this job-*takes a deep breathe* What can I get you?

Roc: A sprite, some wings, the ability to see your face, some fries and some ranch on the side.

????: I'm not going to let you see me.

Roc: Why not?

????: Because I don't have to.

Roc: Listen. I'm not going to start or do anything. Because I think you hate your job, the position you're in, and probably yourself. I mean look at where we're at and where you're standing. I also think you're here for something very important so go ahead get your hustle on.

????: *laughs* Thanks for the speech.

Roc: No problem Anika.

Anika: How'd you know it was me?

Roc: You're the fiestiest girl in town plus I can notice your laugh from a mile away.

Anika: You know what? Shut up.

Roc: Why you working here?

Anika: The term "Shut up." means stop talking.

Roc: C'mon I wanna help you.

Anika: Since when?

Roc: Since the day you and Ray broke up.

Anika: Christmas is coming up and I just want to get you something special but-

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