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"Percy are you home?" Annabeth walked in to the apartment and set down her keys.

"Wise Girl I'm literally sitting just here," I looked up at her from the sofa. Unfortunately we had both decided that it was best for us to at least die our hair so that people wouldn't easily recognise us. Gone were Annabeth's beautiful blonde curls in favour of pretty brown hair. Sure Annabeth looked beautiful, but I missed her blonde hair. Although to make up for the loss I had decided to go blonde.

"Oh sorry, I still don't recognise you with the blonde hair, you look like Jason," she threw her bag down and jumped over the back of the sofa, sitting down next to me and sinking into my arms.

"How was work?" I asked her.

"It was fine, I've got a new assignment redesigning some of the suites in a hotel," Annabeth took my hand in hers and fiddled with my wedding ring, "how was the aquarium?"

I grinned, of course the aquarium wasn't my first choice job, I had always wanted to be a marine biologist. Before the incident me and Annabeth had been planning to move to Miami so that I could pursue this dream, but I had happily settled at the sealife centre in the middle of London.

We sat in silence for a while, before Annabeth flicked on the TV. There was a news show on. The headline read:

Manhunt continues!

The reporter was saying, "the hunt continues for Perseus Jackson who escaped a high security prison last year. New leads suggest that he and Annabeth Chase fled to Greece after Jackson's escape. Although there are no leads on his accomplices Jason Grace and Piper McLean, who fled shortly after Jackson's escape.

In other news Budgie the rabbit is two this week, he-." I zoned out after that.

I looked at Annabeth, "why do they think we're in Greece?"

Annabeth looked stumped, which was a first for her, "I have no idea, I'm glad that they're no where near Jason and Piper though!"

"Yer," I mumbled, "yer me too."


"How much more dull could life be!" Piper declared as she paid for the pizza we had ordered.

"Believe me Pipes it could be worse!" I told her as she put the pizza down and we both grabbed slices, "at least we're not in jail!"

"True," Piper shrugged. Her hair now fell around her shoulders as she hadn't gotten around to cutting it recently, "but honestly I've never been quite this bored."

"Yer I know," I took a second slice of pizza and began to chew on it, "but we can't have high profile jobs without them doing background checks and bringing up a whole lot of stuff up that we don't want bringing up."

"So we're stuck in the corner shop?" Piper grabbed her second slice and began to munch on it as I pulled her into my arms.

"We are," I agreed, "but not forever."

Here you go guys, HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!!! Chapter two WILL (hopefully) be back up before New Years I promise, I might even have chapter three up by then as well if I sort my life out and write it :D
Anyways... I hope that you all have a brilliant Christmas and a Happy New Year!! (unless you don't celebrate Christmas then happy random Sunday!)
Remember to vote, comment and have a brilliant Christmas!!!!
~Em xx

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