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My head hurt. That was all I could think. My ears seemed to still ring with the sound of the explosion.

I opened my eyes and saw the sky. The entire apartment block was gone, in its place a pile of rubble. I sat up and saw that I was partially buried under the mangled remains of a sofa. I wiggled my way out and stood up.

Everything ached. I had cuts all over me and bruises were forming all over my body from where rubble had hit me. My mind immediately jumped to Jason, Hazel, Percy and Annabeth.

I scrambled over the piles of rubble calling Jason's name. Something grabbed my ankle and I looked down to see Hazel's hand grabbing my foot. I knelt down and helped her pull herself free from the rubble. One of her arms was twisted, but she insisted that it didn't hurt.

I made her a makeshift sling out of my dirty jumper, just incase it was badly hurt. Together we both continued to look for Jason, Percy and Annabeth.

Eventually we found Jason. He was unconscious, and almost completely buried in rubble. Hazel used her good arm and we managed to get him free.

I could her sirens all around, I knew that we would have to leave soon, or risk being caught by the police. But we still hadn't found Percy and Annabeth.

They were nowhere to be seen.

"We can't leave!"Jason said deliriously.

"We have too," I bit my lip, "let's go back to our hotel room, it's just around the corner, we can watch the news and see what is going on."

We hurried away from the rubble towards the Premier Inn that we were staying in.

We hurried through the lobby, getting a few weird looks for how dirty we were, but in no time we were back in our room. I put Jason down on the bed and Hazel turned the TV on.

A reporter was standing infront of the remains of the building.

"All of the residents of the apartment are accounted for," the reporter was saying, "apart from Paul and Anna Johnson, an American couple who moved into the building last year."

I relaxed, "maybe they got away?" I suggested.

Hazel peered through the window, through which the rubble could still be seen.

"I don't think so." Hazel mused, "I think someone did this to get them."

"The TITANS?" I asked.

"Maybe." Hazel nodded, she winced as she tweaked her bad arm.

"Let me have a look at your arm," I said, "I think I've got a first aid kit somewhere."

After I had wrapped up Hazel's assumedly sprained arm. I sat back down next to Jason. He was starting to gain more consciousness.

"I think we need to get back to America," Hazel spoke up after a while.

I nodded in agreement, "yer me too, it's too risky to stay around here, it's going to be swarming with police, even more when they realise Paul and Anna Johnson are actually Percy and Annabeth Jackson."

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~Em xx

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