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I wasn't sure how long I had been drifting in the water. But I did know that my journey from the middle of the Atlantic to a beach in America took no time at all.

After seconds I was lying on the sand of an all to familiar beach. This was where I had proposed to Annabeth all those years ago.

I was so close to home. To New York. Just half an hour drive and I would be in my apartment.

I felt the pressure of a blade against my neck and immediately jumped to my feet.

The girl holding the blade had long dark hair, dark eyes and an olive complexion.

"Reyna?" My jaw went slack and my mouth hung open.

"Percy?" She raised an eyebrow, taking her knife away from my neck, "I haven't seen you since-."

"Since prison," I finished for her. It was true Reyna had been in prison with me. Although her cell was nowhere near mine, we had taken to sitting together at mealtimes, sharing stories of how we each were framed for our respective crimes.

She was framed for killing her own father.

"How did you get out?" I asked her.

Reyna shrugged, but there was something in her eyes that told me she knew exactly how she got out.

"How did you end up washing up on a beach in Long Island?" She asked me.

"It's a really long story." I told her, "anyway what are you doing here?"

"I'm on my way to New York." She confessed.

"I'm headed that way too." I grinned, "how's about two framed criminals stick together?"

"Just to New York." She set her jaw.

"Just to New York." I agreed.


Unfortunately 'just to New York' actually turned out to be 'just up the beach'.

A man stood there. He had brown hair and was wearing casual clothes with running trainers.

"Percy Jackson and Reyna Ramirez Arellano." The man said, me and Reyna exchanged a quick look, "my name is Hermes and I'm here to take you where you belong."

Me and Reyna bolted. I heard the man cursing behind is before he appeared in front of us. I almost ran into him.

"Just to be clear I didn't mean prison, it came out wrong!" He defended himself, "I meant to the Olympus Cooperation, where your friends are Percy."

I stared at him, sizing him up, I opened my mouth to speak, but then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was sucked into a suffocating darkness.

I fell onto a white floor. Spluttering for air like a drowned man, Reyna recovered first. Jumping to her feet and looking around. I scrambled to my feet as well, still feeling sick.

The room around me was mostly white. The floor and walls were white. On two sides of the room floor to ceiling windows stretched. Showing the New York skyline.

The room was empty apart from some people. The appeared to be in the middle of some sort of training exercise before they had all frozen to look at us.

There were eight of them, followed by a ninth who casually strolled away from me and Reyna. I realised it was his hand that I felt in my shoulder.

Then I realised who the people were.

I saw Jason, Piper, Thalia, Hazel, Frank, Leo and Annabeth. Annabeth looked beautiful. I noticed that she'd cut her hair, and that the dye had gone.

She stared at me, her eyes taking in every inch of my being, from my ripped and bloodstained tshirt, to my sand caked hair. I was still covered in ocean water, and I realised I had created a bit of a puddle underneath me.

I must've looked pretty terrifying, like some sort of ghost.

Annabeth took a tentative step towards me and then another and another. Until we met in the middle of the room.

Annabeth reached out and touched a hand to my cheek. Verifying to herself that I was real. That I wasn't a ghost. She put a had on my chest looking at the ugly scar of where the knife had gone in and out. Then. Finally she looked into my eyes.

I smiled at her, she pulled me into a kiss. After the kiss she finally seemed to realise that I was here.

"I-I don't understand," Annabeth stuttered, "how are you not dead?"

"I have no idea." I laughed, "I really don't, it was like the water healed me or something. I don't know how to explain it."

"You don't have to," Annabeth smiled. Taking her arms from around me. "They'll explain it all," she nodded towards the Hermes guy from the beach, "and I'm not kissing you again until you take a shower and change your clothes."

Hey guys.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Remember to vote, comment and be amazing!
~Em xx

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